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Találatok száma: 83.

Iqbal Nadeem; Poór Péter: Plant Protection by Tannins Depends on Defence-Related Phytohormones.
JOURNAL OF PLANT GROWTH REGULATION, 44 (1). pp. 22-39. ISSN 0721-7595 (2025)

Kukri András; Czékus Zalán; Gallé Ágnes; Nagy Gábor; Zsindely Nóra; Bodai László; Galgóczi László Norbert; Hamow Kamirán Áron; Szalai Gabriella; Ördög Attila; Poór Péter: Exploring the effects of red light night break on the defence mechanisms of tomato against fungal pathogen Botrytis cinerea.
PHYSIOLOGIA PLANTARUM, 176 (4). ISSN 0031-9317 (2024)

Iqbal Nadeem; Czékus Zalán; Ördög Attila; Poór Péter: Fusaric acid-evoked oxidative stress affects plant defence system by inducing biochemical changes at subcellular level.
PLANT CELL REPORTS, 43 (1). ISSN 0721-7714 (2024)

Nazir Faroza; Poór Péter; Gupta Ravi; Kumari Sarika; Nawaz Kashif; Khan M. Iqbal R.: Plant hormone ethylene: A leading edge in conferring drought stress tolerance.
PHYSIOLOGIA PLANTARUM, 176 (1). ISSN 0031-9317 (2024)

Iqbal Nadeem; Ördög Attila; Koprivanacz Péter; Kukri András; Czékus Zalán; Poór Péter: Salicylic acid- and ethylene-dependent effects of the ER stress-inducer tunicamycin on the photosynthetic light reactions in tomato plants.

Poór Péter: Centenáriumi Tanulmánykötet : 100 éve a tudomány szolgálatában, Kutatások az SZTE Biológia Intézetében.
SZTE TTIK, Szeged. (2023) ISBN 9789633069134

Khan Nafees A.; Ferrante Antonio; Khan M. Iqbal R.; Poór Péter: Editorial: Ethylene: a key regulatory molecule in plants, Volume II.

Iqbal Nadeem; Czékus Zalán; Poór Péter; Ördög Attila: Ethylene-dependent regulation of oxidative stress in the leaves of fusaric acid-treated tomato plants.
PLANT PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY, 196. pp. 841-849. ISSN 0981-9428 (2023)

Iqbal Nadeem; Czékus Zalán; Cserne Angeli; Bartók Tibor; Poór Péter; Ördög Attila: Fumonisin B1-Induced Oxidative Burst Perturbed Photosynthetic Activity and Affected Antioxidant Enzymatic Response in Tomato Plants in Ethylene-Dependent Manner.
JOURNAL OF PLANT GROWTH REGULATION, 42 (3). pp. 1865-1878. ISSN 0721-7595 (2023)

Szepesi Ágnes; Poór Péter: Interaction between the key defense-related phytohormones and polyamines in crops.
In: Plant Hormones in Crop Improvement. Academic Press as an imprint of Elsevier, Amszterdam, pp. 249-264. (2023) ISBN 9780323918862

Pelsőczi Alina Beatrix; Horváth Edit; Czékus Zalán; Kukri András; Poór Péter; Gallé Ágnes: Nocturnal Red Light Application Modulated the Fumonisin B1-Induced Changes in Glutathione Transferases of Different Wheat Cultivars.
JOURNAL OF PLANT GROWTH REGULATION, 42 (10). pp. 6319-6331. ISSN 0721-7595 (2023)

Czékus Zalán; Martics Atina; Pollák Boglárka Dóra; Kukri András; Görgényi Miklósné Tari Irma; Ördög Attila; Poór Péter: The local and systemic accumulation of ethylene determines the rapid defence responses induced by flg22 in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.).

Iqbal Nadeem; Czékus Zalán; Ördög Attila; Poór Péter: The main fungal pathogens and defense-related hormonal signaling in crops.
In: Plant Hormones in Crop Improvement. Academic Press as an imprint of Elsevier, Amszterdam, pp. 307-331. (2023) ISBN 9780323918862

Czékus Zalán; Poór Péter: The role of nitric oxide in systemic responses of plants.
In: Nitric Oxide in Developing Plant Stress Resilience. Academic Press as an imprint of Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 217-231. (2023) ISBN 9780323912099; 9780323916264

Czékus Zalán; Milodanovic Dávid; Koprivanacz Péter; Bela Krisztina; López-Climent María F.; Gómez-Cadenas Aurelio; Poór Péter: The role of salicylic acid on glutathione metabolism under endoplasmic reticulum stress in tomato.

Riyazuddin Riyazuddin; Bela Krisztina; Poór Péter; Szepesi Ágnes; Horváth Edit; Rigó Gábor; Szabados László; Fehér Attila; Csiszár Jolán: Crosstalk between the Arabidopsis Glutathione Peroxidase-Like 5 Isoenzyme (AtGPXL5) and Ethylene.

Poór Péter; Nawaz Kashif; Gupta Ravi; Ashfaque Farha; R. Khan M. Iqbal: Ethylene involvement in the regulation of heat stress tolerance in plants.
PLANT CELL REPORTS, 41 (3). pp. 675-698. ISSN 0721-7714 (2022)

Czékus Zalán; Szalai Gabriella; Görgényi Miklósné Tari Irma; Khan M. Iqbal R.; Poór Péter: Role of ethylene in ER stress and the unfolded protein response in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) plants.
PLANT PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY, 181. pp. 1-11. ISSN 0981-9428 (2022)

Kaur Harmanjit; Hussain Sofi J.; Kaur Gursharan; Poór Péter; Alamri Saud; Siddiqui Manzer H.; Khan M. Iqbal R.: Salicylic Acid Improves Nitrogen Fixation, Growth, Yield and Antioxidant Defence Mechanisms in Chickpea Genotypes Under Salt Stress.
JOURNAL OF PLANT GROWTH REGULATION, 41 (5). pp. 2034-2047. ISSN 0721-7595 (2022)

Khan M. Iqbal. R.; Poór Péter; Janda Tibor: Salicylic Acid: A Versatile Signaling Molecule in Plants.
JOURNAL OF PLANT GROWTH REGULATION, 41 (5). pp. 1887-1890. ISSN 0721-7595 (2022)

Szepesi Ágnes; Poór Péter; Bakacsy László: Short-Term Salicylic Acid Treatment Affects Polyamine Metabolism Causing ROS–NO Imbalance in Tomato Roots.
PLANTS-BASEL, 11 (13). ISSN 2223-7747 (2022)

Gallé Ágnes; Pelsőczi Alina; Benyó Dániel; Podmaniczki Anna; Szabó-Hevér Ágnes; Poór Péter; Tóth Beáta; Horváth Edit; Erdei László; Csiszár Jolán: Systemic response to Fusarium graminearum and culmorum inoculations: changes in detoxification of flag leaves in wheat.
CEREAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS, 50 (4). pp. 1055-1063. ISSN 0133-3720 (2022)

Tóth Liliána; Poór Péter; Ördög Attila; Váradi Györgyi; Farkas Attila; Papp Csaba; Bende Gábor; Tóth Gábor K.; Rákhely Gábor; Florentine Marx; Galgóczy László: The combination of Neosartorya (Aspergillus) fischeri antifungal proteins with rationally designed γ-core peptide derivatives is effective for plant and crop protection.
Biocontrol, 67 (2). pp. 249-262. ISSN 1386-6141 1573-8248 (2022)

Takács Zoltán; Czékus Zalán; Görgényi Miklósné Tari Irma; Poór Péter: The role of ethylene signalling in the regulation of salt stress response in mature tomato fruits: Metabolism of antioxidants and polyamines.
JOURNAL OF PLANT PHYSIOLOGY, 277. Terjedelem: 9 p.-Azonosító: 153793. ISSN 0176-1617 (2022)

Czékus Zalán; Koprivanacz P.; Kukri András; Iqbal Nadeem; Ördög Attila; Poór Péter: The role of photosynthetic activity in the regulation of flg22-induced local and systemic defence reaction in tomato.
PHOTOSYNTHETICA, 60 (2). pp. 105-114. ISSN 0300-3604 (2022)

Czékus Zalán; Kukri András; Hamow Kamirán Áron; Szalai Gabriella; Görgényi Miklósné Tari Irma; Ördög Attila; Poór Péter: Activation of Local and Systemic Defence Responses by Flg22 Is Dependent on Daytime and Ethylene in Intact Tomato Plants.
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES, 22 (15). Terjedelem: 21-Azonosító: 8354. ISSN 1661-6596 (2021)

Poór Péter; Ördög Attila; Lin Chentao; Khan M. Iqbal R.: Editorial: Plant Responses to the Dark Scenario.
FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE, 12. Terjedelem: 2 p-Azonosító: 688053. ISSN 1664-462X (2021)

Iqbal Nadeem; Czékus Zalán; Ördög Attila; Poór Péter: Ethylene-dependent effects of fusaric acid on the photosynthetic activity of tomato plants.
PHOTOSYNTHETICA, 59 (2). pp. 337-348. ISSN 0300-3604 (2021)

Takács Zoltán; Poór Péter; Görgényi Miklósné Tari Irma: Interaction between polyamines and ethylene in the response to salicylic acid under normal photoperiod and prolonged darkness.
PLANT PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY, 167. pp. 470-480. ISSN 0981-9428 (2021)

Gallé Ágnes; Czékus Zalán; Tóth Liliána; Galgóczi László Norbert; Poór Péter: Pest and disease management by red light.
PLANT CELL AND ENVIRONMENT, 44 (10). pp. 3197-3210. ISSN 0140-7791 (2021)

Iqbal Nadeem; Czékus Zalán; Poór Péter; Ördög Attila: Plant defence mechanisms against mycotoxin fumonisin B1.
CHEMICO-BIOLOGICAL INTERACTIONS, 343. Terjedelem: 12 p-Azonosító: 109494. ISSN 0009-2797 (2021)

Czékus Zalán; Iqbal Nadeem; Pollák Boglárka; Martics Atina; Ördög Attila; Poór Péter: Role of ethylene and light in chitosan-induced local and systemic defence responses of tomato plants.
JOURNAL OF PLANT PHYSIOLOGY, 263. Terjedelem: 12-Azonosító: 153461. ISSN 0176-1617 (2021)

Czajlik András; Holzknecht Jeanett; Galgóczy László Norbert; Tóth Liliána; Poór Péter; Ördög Attila; Váradi Györgyi; Kühbacher Alexander; Borics Attila; Tóth Gábor K.; Marx Florentine; Batta Gyula: Solution Structure, Dynamics, and New Antifungal Aspects of the Cysteine-Rich Miniprotein PAFC.
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES, 22 (3). Terjedelem: 23-Azonosító: 1183. ISSN 1661-6596 1422-0067 (2021)

Görgényi Miklósné Tari Irma; Poór Péter; Borbély Péter Gábor: Az etilén szerepe a paradicsom sóstressz hatására kialakuló oxidatív stresszválaszban.
In: Oxidatív stressz és antioxidáns védekezés a növényvilágtól a klinikumig. Hungarian Free Radical Society, Budapest, pp. 60-73. (2020) ISBN 9786156203007

Borbély Péter Gábor; Poór Péter; Görgényi Miklósné Tari Irma: Changes in physiological and photosynthetic parameters in tomato of different ethylene status under salt stress.
PLANT PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY, 156. pp. 345-356. ISSN 0981-9428 (2020)

Allaga Henrietta; Bóka Bettina; Poór Péter; Nagy Viktor Dávid; Szűcs Attila; Takó Miklós; Manczinger László; Vágvölgyi Csaba; Kredics László: A Composite Bioinoculant Based on the Combined Application of Beneficial Bacteria and Fungi.
AGRONOMY, 10 (2). Azonosító: 220-Terjedelem: 10 p. ISSN 2073-4395 (2020)

Czékus Zalán; Csíkos Orsolya; Ördög Attila; Görgényi Miklósné Tari Irma; Poór Péter: Effects of Jasmonic Acid in ER Stress and Unfolded Protein Response in Tomato Plants.
BIOMOLECULES, 10 (7). Azonosító: 1031-Terjedelem: 20. ISSN 2218-273X (2020)

Czékus Zalán; Poór Péter; Görgényi Miklósné Tari Irma; Ördög Attila: Effects of Light and Daytime on the Regulation of Chitosan-Induced Stomatal Responses and Defence in Tomato Plants.
PLANTS, 9 (1). Azonosító: 59-Terjedelem: 21 p. ISSN 2223-7747 (2020)

Poór Péter: Effects of Salicylic Acid on the Metabolism of Mitochondrial Reactive Oxygen Species in Plants.
BIOMOLECULES, 10 (2). Azonosító: 341-Terjedelem: 20 p. ISSN 2218-273X (2020)

Cseri András; Borbély Péter Gábor; Poór Péter; Fehér Attila; Sass László; Jancsó Mihály; Penczi András; Rádi Feríz; Gyuricza Csaba; Digruber Tamás; Dudits Dénes: Increased adaptation of an energy willow cultivar to soil salinity by duplication of its genome size.
BIOMASS & BIOENERGY, 140. Azonosító: 105655-Terjedelem: 9 p. ISSN 0961-9534 (2020)

Poór Péter; Czékus Zalán; Ördög Attila: Role of Jasmonates in Plant Abiotic Stress Tolerance.
In: Improving Abiotic Stress Tolerance in Plants. CRC Press, Boca Raton (FL), pp. 155-176. (2020) ISBN 9780429027505

Czékus Zalán; Farkas Máté; Bakacsy László; Ördög Attila; Gallé Ágnes; Poór Péter: Time-Dependent Effects of Bentazon Application on the Key Antioxidant Enzymes of Soybean and Common Ragweed.
SUSTAINABILITY, 12 (9). Azonosító: 3872-Terjedelem: 20 p. ISSN 2071-1050 (2020)

Poór Péter; Czékus Zalán; Ördög Attila: A főbb növényi nem-enzimatikus antioxidánsok szerepe sötétben.
In: Oxidatív stressz és antioxidáns védekezés a növényvilágtól a klinikumig. Hungarian Free Radical Society, Budapest, pp. 20-28. (2020) ISBN 9786156203007

Tóth Liliána; Boros Éva; Poór Péter; Ördög Attila; Kele Zoltán; Váradi Györgyi; Nagy István; Tóth Gábor; Rákhely Gábor; Galgóczi László Norbert: The potential use of the Penicillium chrysogenum antifungal protein PAF, the designed variant PAFopt and its γ-core peptide Pγopt in plant protection.

Poór Péter; Borbély Péter Gábor; Czékus Zalán; Takács Zoltán; Ördög Attila; Görgényi Miklósné Tari Irma: Comparison of changes in water status and photosynthetic parameters in wild type and abscisic acid-deficient sitiens mutant of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum cv. Rheinlands Ruhm) exposed to sublethal and lethal salt stress.
JOURNAL OF PLANT PHYSIOLOGY, 232. pp. 130-140. ISSN 0176-1617 (2019)

Poór Péter; Borbély Péter Gábor; Bódi Nikolett; Bagyánszki Mária; Görgényi Miklósné Tari Irma: Effects of salicylic acid on photosynthetic activity and chloroplast morphology under light and prolonged darkness.
PHOTOSYNTHETICA, 57. pp. 367-376. ISSN 0300-3604 (2019)

Feigl Gábor; Horváth Edit; Molnár Árpád; Oláh Dóra; Poór Péter; Kolbert Zsuzsanna: Ethylene-Nitric Oxide Interplay During Selenium-induced Lateral Root Emergence in Arabidopsis.
JOURNAL OF PLANT GROWTH REGULATION, 38. pp. 1481-1488. ISSN 0721-7595 (2019)

Borbély Péter Gábor; Bajkán Szilvia; Poór Péter; Görgényi Miklósné Tari Irma: Exogenous 1-Aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid Controls Photosynthetic Activity, Accumulation of Reactive Oxygen or Nitrogen Species and Macroelement Content in Tomato in Long-term Experiments.
JOURNAL OF PLANT GROWTH REGULATION, 38 (3). pp. 1110-1126. ISSN 0721-7595 (2019)

Kolbert Zsuzsanna; Feigl Gábor; Freschi Luciano; Poór Péter: Gasotransmitters in Action: Nitric Oxide-Ethylene Crosstalk during Plant Growth and Abiotic Stress Responses.
ANTIOXIDANTS, 8 (6). Azonosító: 167-Terjedelem: 22 p. ISSN 2076-3921 (2019)

Poór Péter; Czékus Zalán; Görgényi Miklósné Tari Irma; Ördög Attila: The Multifaceted Roles of Plant Hormone Salicylic Acid in Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress and Unfolded Protein Response.
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES, 20 (23). Azonosító: 5842-Terjedelem: 13 p. ISSN 1661-6596 (2019)

Gallé Ágnes; Czékus Zalán; Bela Krisztina; Horváth Edit; Ördög Attila; Csiszár Jolán; Poór Péter: Plant Glutathione Transferases and Light.
FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE, 9. 12 p.-10.3389/fpls.2018.01944. ISSN 1664-462X (2019)

Poór Péter; Czékus Zalán; Ördög Attila: Role and Regulation of Glucose as a Signal Molecule to Salt Stress.
In: Plant Signaling Molecules: Role and Regulation under Stressful Environments. Elsevier B.V., Amsterdam, pp. 193-205. (2019) ISBN 9780128164518; 9780128164525

Poór Péter; Czékus Zalán; Ördög Attila: Role of Nitric Oxide in Physiological and Stress Responses of Plants Under Darkness.
In: Reactive Oxygen, Nitrogen and Sulfur Species in Plants: Production, Metabolism, Signaling and Defense Mechanisms. John Wiley and Sons, Ltd., Hoboken (NJ), pp. 515-531. (2019) ISBN 9781119468677

Poór Péter; Patyi Gábor; Takács Zoltán; Szekeres András; Bódi Nikolett; Bagyánszki Mária; Görgényi Miklósné Tari Irma: Salicylic acid-induced ROS production by mitochondrial electron transport chain depends on the activity of mitochondrial hexokinases in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.).
JOURNAL OF PLANT RESEARCH, 132 (2). pp. 273-283. ISSN 0918-9440 (2019)

Ördög Attila; Štajner Dubravka; Popović Boris; Poór Péter; Bátori Zoltán; Tari Irma: Comparison of the mineral content of processed spice samples of sweet and hot paprika from the Szeged region.
Journal of elementology, 23 (2). pp. 521-530. ISSN 1644-2296 (2018)

Poór Péter; Takács Zoltán; Patyi Gábor; Borbély Péter Gábor; Bencsik Ottó; Szekeres András; Görgényi Miklósné Tari Irma: Dark-induced changes in the activity and the expression of tomato hexokinase genes depend on the leaf age.
SOUTH AFRICAN JOURNAL OF BOTANY, 118. pp. 98-104. ISSN 0254-6299 (2018)

Gallé Ágnes; Czékus Zalán; Bela Krisztina; Horváth Edit; Csiszár Jolán; Poór Péter: Diurnal changes in tomato glutathione transferase activity and expression.
ACTA BIOLOGICA HUNGARICA (1983-2018), 69 (4). pp. 505-509. ISSN 0236-5383 (2018)

Takács Zoltán; Poór Péter; Borbély Péter Gábor; Czékus Zalán; Görgényi Miklósné Tari Irma; Szalai Gabriella: H2O2 homeostasis in wild-type and ethylene-insensitive Never ripe tomato in response to salicylic acid treatment in normal photoperiod and in prolonged darkness.
PLANT PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY, 126. pp. 74-85. ISSN 0981-9428 (2018)

Poór Péter; Ördög Attila; Czékus Zalán; Borbély Péter Gábor; Takács Zoltán; Kovács Judit; Görgényi Miklósné Tari Irma: Regulation of the key antioxidant enzymes by developmental processes and environmental stresses in the dark.
BIOLOGIA PLANTARUM, 62 (2). pp. 201-210. ISSN 0006-3134 (2018)

Popović Boris; Štajner Dubravka; Ždero‑Pavlović R.; Görgényi Miklósné Tari Irma; Csiszár Jolán; Gallé Ágnes; Poór Péter; Galović V.; Trudić B.; Orlović S.: Biochemical response of hybrid black poplar tissue culture (Populus × canadensis) on water stress.
JOURNAL OF PLANT RESEARCH, 130. pp. 559-570. ISSN 0918-9440 (2017)

Khan Nafees A.; Khan M I R; Ferrante Antonio; Poór Péter: Editorial: Ethylene: A Key Regulatory Molecule in Plants.
FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE, 8. Azonosító: 1782-Terjedelem: 4 p.. ISSN 1664-462X (2017)

Takács Zoltán; Poór Péter; Szepesi Ágnes; Görgényi Miklósné Tari Irma: In vivo inhibition of polyamine oxidase by a spermine analogue, MDL-72527, in tomato exposed to sublethal and lethal salt stress.
FUNCTIONAL PLANT BIOLOGY, 44 (5). Terjedelem: 13 p-Azonosító: FP16280. ISSN 1445-4408 (2017)

Ördög Attila; Görgényi Miklósné Tari Irma; Bátori Zoltán; Poór Péter: Mineral content analysis of unifloral honeys from the Hungarian Great Plain.
Journal of elementology, 22 (1). pp. 271-281. ISSN 1644-2296 (2017)

Poór Péter; Takács Zoltán; Bela Krisztina; Czékus Zalán; Szalai Gabriella; Görgényi Miklósné Tari Irma: Prolonged dark period modulates the oxidative burst and enzymatic antioxidant systems in the leaves of salicylic acid-treated tomato.
JOURNAL OF PLANT PHYSIOLOGY, 213. pp. 216-226. ISSN 0176-1617 (2017)

Kovács Judit; Poór Péter; Kaschani Farnusch; Chandrasekar Balakumaran; Hong Tram N.; Misas-Villamil Johana C.; Xin Bo T.; Kaiser Markus; Overkleeft Herman S.; Görgényi Miklósné Tari Irma; Van Der Hoorn Reiner A.L.: Proteasome activity profiling uncovers alteration of catalytic β2 and β5 subunits of the stress-induced proteasome during salinity stress in tomato roots.
FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE, 8. Terjedelem: 13 p-Azonosító: 107. ISSN 1664-462X (2017)

Takács Zoltán; Poór Péter; Görgényi Miklósné Tari Irma: Comparison of polyamine metabolism in tomato plants exposed to different concentrations of salicylic acid under light or dark conditions.
PLANT PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY, 108. pp. 266-278. ISSN 0981-9428 (2016)

Kovács Judit; Poór Péter; Szepesi Ágnes; Görgényi Miklósné Tari Irma: Salicylic acid induced cysteine protease activity during programmed cell death in tomato plants.
ACTA BIOLOGICA HUNGARICA, 67 (2). pp. 148-158. ISSN 0236-5383 (2016)

Görgényi Miklósné Tari Irma; Borbély Péter Gábor; Csiszár Jolán; Horváth Edit; Poór Péter; Szepesi Ágnes; Takács Zoltán: Szalicilsavas kémiai edzés hatása a paradicsom sóstressz toleranciájára.
In: Tanulmánykötet a 7. BBK előadásaiból. Óbudai Egyetem, Budapest, Magyarország, pp. 411-419. (2016) ISBN 978-615-5460-97-5

Poór Péter; Ördög Attila; Wodala Barnabás; Görgényi Miklósné Tari Irma: Effect of EDTA-assisted Copper Uptake on Photosynthetic Activity and Biomass Production of Sweet Sorghum.
CEREAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS, 43 (4). pp. 604-615. ISSN 0133-3720 (2015)

Horváth Edit; Csiszár Jolán; Gallé Ágnes; Poór Péter; Szepesi Ágnes; Görgényi Miklósné Tari Irma: Hardening with salicylic acid induces concentration-dependent changes in abscisic acid biosynthesis of tomato under salt stress.
JOURNAL OF PLANT PHYSIOLOGY, 183. pp. 54-63. ISSN 0176-1617 (2015)

Poór Péter; Patyi Gábor; Tari Irma: In Silico Analysis of cis-Regulatory Elements of Hexokinase Genes in Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum).
Journal of Current Plant Science Research, 1 (1). pp. 1-10. (2015)

Poór Péter; Laskay Gábor; Görgényi Miklósné Tari Irma: Role of Nitric Oxide in Salt Stress-induced Programmed Cell Death and Defense Mechanisms.
In: Nitric Oxide Action in Abiotic Stress Responses in Plants. Springer International Publishing, Svájc, pp. 193-219. (2015) ISBN 978-3-319-17804-2

Poór Péter; Kovács Judit; Borbély Péter Gábor; Takács Zoltán; Szepesi Ágnes; Görgényi Miklósné Tari Irma: Salt stress-induced production of reactive oxygen- and nitrogen species and cell death in the ethylene receptor mutant Never ripe and wild type tomato roots.
PLANT PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY, 97. pp. 313-322. ISSN 0981-9428 (2015)

Görgényi Miklósné Tari Irma; Csiszár Jolán; Horváth Edit; Poór Péter; Takács Zoltán; Szepesi Ágnes: The alleviation of the adverse effects of salt stress in the tomato plant by salicylic acid shows a time- and organ-specific antioxidant response.

Kocsy Gábor; Görgényi Miklósné Tari Irma; Vanková Radomíra; Zechmann Bernd; Gulyás Zsolt; Poór Péter; Galiba Gábor: Corrigendum to "Redox control of plant growth and development" [Plant Sci. 211 (2013) 77-91].
PLANT SCIENCE, 215-216. p. 91. ISSN 0168-9452 (2014)

Poór Péter; Borbély Péter Gábor; Kovács Judit; Papp Anita; Szepesi Ágnes; Takács Zoltán; Görgényi Miklósné Tari Irma: Opposite extremes in ethylene/nitric oxide ratio induce cell death in suspension culture and root apices of tomato exposed to salt stress.
ACTA BIOLOGICA HUNGARICA, 65 (4). pp. 428-438. ISSN 0236-5383 (2014)

Sós-Hegedűs Anita; Bózváriné Juhász Zsófia; Poór Péter; Kondrák Mihály Attila; Antal Ferenc; Görgényi Miklósné Tari Irma; Mauch-Mani Brigitte; Bánfalvi Zsófia: Soil drench treatment with ss-aminobutyric Acid increases drought tolerance of potato.
PLOS ONE, 9 (12). Terjedelem: 15 p.-Azonosító: e114297. ISSN 1932-6203 (2014)

Görgényi Miklósné Tari Irma; Borbély Péter Gábor; Csiszár Jolán; Gémes Katalin; Horváth Edit; Kovács Judit; Poór Péter; Szepesi Ágnes; Takács Zoltán: Sóstressz tolerancia fokozása szalicilsavval paradicsomban: az abszcizinsav szerepe.
In: Paál Árpádtól a molekuláris növénybiológiáig: Tudományos ülés Paál Árpád születésének 125. és intézetigazgatói kinevezésének 85. évfordulója alkalmából. ELTE Biológiai Intézet Növényélettani és Molekuláris Növénybiológiai Tanszék, Budapest, Magyarország, pp. 55-59. (2014) ISBN 978-963-284-561-6

Poór Péter; Kovács Judit; Szopkó Dóra; Görgényi Miklósné Tari Irma: Ethylene signaling in salt stress- and salicylic acid-induced programmed cell death in tomato suspension cells.
PROTOPLASMA, 250 (1). pp. 273-284. ISSN 0033-183X (2013)

Kocsy Gábor; Görgényi Miklósné Tari Irma; Vanková Radomíra; Zechmann Bernd; Gulyás Zsolt; Poór Péter; Galiba Gábor: Redox control of plant growth and development.
PLANT SCIENCE, 211. pp. 77-91. ISSN 0168-9452 (2013)

Görgényi Miklósné Tari Irma; Laskay Gábor; Takács Zoltán; Poór Péter: Response of Sorghum to Abiotic Stresses: A Review.
JOURNAL OF AGRONOMY AND CROP SCIENCE, 199. pp. 264-274. ISSN 0931-2250 (2013)

Poór Péter; Szopkó Dóra; Görgényi Miklósné Tari Irma: Ionic homeostasis disturbance is involved in tomato cell death induced by NaCl and salicylic acid.

Poór Péter; Görgényi Miklósné Tari Irma: Regulation of stomatal movement and photosynthetic activity in guard cells of tomato abaxial epidermal peels by salicylic acid.
FUNCTIONAL PLANT BIOLOGY, 39 (12). pp. 1028-1037. ISSN 1445-4408 (2012)

A lista elkészítésének dátuma 2025. március 11. 15:01:49 CET.