Szabó Márton and Kundrata Robin and Hoffmannova Johana and Németh Tamás and Bodor Emese Réka and Szenti Imre and Prosvirov Alexander S. and Ősi Attila:
The first mainland European Mesozoic click-beetle (Coleoptera: Elateridae) revealed by X-ray micro-computed tomography scanning of an Upper Cretaceous amber from Hungary.
Azonosító: 24-Terjedelem: 11.
ISSN 2045-2322
Szabó Márton and Brazidec Manuel and Perrichot Vincent and Szenti Imre and Kukovecz Ákos and Ősi Attila:
A unique record of the Late Cretaceous of East-Central Europe: The first fossil wasps (Hymenoptera: Bethylidae, Spathiopterygidae) from the ajkaite amber (Bakony Mts., western Hungary).
ISSN 0195-6671
Szabó Márton and Urbán Péter and Virányi Ferenc and Kredics László and Fekete Csaba:
Comparative gene expression profiles of Trichoderma harzianum proteases during in vitro nematode egg-parasitism.
Biological Control, 67 (3).
pp. 337-343.
ISSN 1049-9644