D’Acunto Lucia; Chiluka Nitin; Vinkó Tamás; Sips Henk:
BitTorrent-like P2P approaches for VoD: A comparative study.
Computer Networks, 57 (5).
pp. 1253-1276.
ISSN 13891286
D'Acunto Lucia; Vinkó Tamás; Sips Henk:
Bandwidth allocation in BitTorrent-like VoD systems under flashcrowds.
2011 IEEE International Conference on Peer-to-Peer Computing: IEEE P2P 2011. Kyoto, Japán, 2011.08.31-2011.09.02.
IEEE, New York, pp. 192-201.
ISBN 9781457701504
Rahman Rameez; Vinkó Tamás; Hales David; Pouwelse Johan; Sips Henk:
Design space analysis for modeling incentives in distributed systems.
Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM 2011 Conference on SIGCOMM - SIGCOMM '11. Toronto, Kanada, 2011.08.15-2011.08.19.
ACM Press, New York, pp. 182-193.
ISBN 978-1-4503-0797-0