Ridker Paul M.; MacFadyen Jean G.; Everett Brendan M.; Libby Peter; Thuren Tom; Glyn Robert J.; Kollaborációs szervezet: CANTOS Trial Group; Kastelein John; Koenig Wolfgang; Genest Jacques; Lorenzatti Alberto; Varigos John; Siostrzonek Peter; Sinnaeve Peter; Fonseca Francisco; Forster Tamás:
Relationship of C-reactive protein reduction to cardiovascular event reduction following treatment with canakinumab: a secondary analysis from the CANTOS randomised controlled trial.
LANCET, 391 (10118).
pp. 319-328.
ISSN 0140-6736
Ridker Paul M.; MacFadyen Jean G.; Thuren Tom; Everett Brendan M.; Libby Peter; Glynn Robert J.; CANTOS Trial Group; Forster Tamás; Ridker Paul; Lorenzatti Alberto; Krum Henry; Varigos John; Siostrzonek Peter; Sinnaeve Peter; Fonseca Francisco; et al.:
Effect of interleukin-1 beta inhibition with canakinumab on incident lung cancer in patients with atherosclerosis: exploratory results from a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial.
LANCET, 390 (10105).
pp. 1833-1842.
ISSN 0140-6736