Simon András and Pilecky Dávid and Kiss Loretta Zsuzsa and Vámos Máté:
Useful Electrocardiographic Signs to Support the Prediction of Favorable Response to Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy.
ISSN 2308-3425
Margóczi Katalin and Gellény Krisztina and Cseh Viktória and Simon András and Mód László Balázs and Hohmann Judit and Háznagyné Radnai Erzsébet and Hajdú Zsuzsanna and Božin Biljana:
Gyógynövények helyi használata a Vajdaságban és a Dél-Alföldön.
Stamparija Feljton, Újvidék.
ISBN 9788671976077
Margóczi Katalin and Gellény Krisztina and Cseh Viktória and Simon András and Mód László Balázs and Hohmann Judit and Háznagyné Radnai Erzsébet and Hajdú Zsuzsanna and Hohmann Judit and Božin Biljana (szerk.):
Local use of herbs in Vojvodina and South Great Plain.
Stamparija Feljton, Újvidék.
ISBN 9788671976091
Božin Biljana and Hohmann Judit and Margóczi Katalin and Gellény Krisztina and Cseh Viktória and Simon András and Mód László Balázs and Hohmann Judit and Háznagyné Radnai Erzsébet and Hajdú Zsuzsanna and Gavarić Neda and Kladar Nebojša and Čonić Branislava Srđenović and Božin Biljana and Barak Otto (szerk.):
Lokalna upotreba lekovitih biljaka u Vojvodini i južnim delovima Panonske nizije.
Stamparija Feljton, Újvidék.
ISBN 9788671976084
Vágvölgyi Máté and Martins Ana and Kulmány Ágnes Erika and Zupkó István and Gáti Tamás and Simon András and Tóth Gábor and Hunyadi Attila:
Nitrogen-containing ecdysteroid derivatives vs. multi-drug resistance in cancer: preparation and antitumor activity of oximes, oxime ethers and a lactam.
pp. 730-739.
ISSN 0223-5234
Hunyadi Attila and Herke Ibolya and Lengyel Katalin and Báthori Mária and Kele Zoltán and Simon András and Tóth Gábor and Szendrei Kálmán:
Ecdysteroid-containing food supplements from Cyanotis arachnoidea on the European market: evidence for spinach product counterfeiting.
Terjedelem: 8 p.-Azonosító: 37322.
ISSN 2045-2322
Gáti Tamás and Simon András and Hunyadi Attila and Csábi József and Kele Zoltán and Tóth Gábor:
New ring-rearranged metabolite of 20-hydroxyecdysone obtained by base-catalyzed auto-oxidation.
pp. 391-395.
ISSN 0749-1581
Csábi József and Hsieh Tusty-Jiuan and Hasanpour Feria and Martins Ana and Kele Zoltán and Gáti Tamás and Simon András and Tóth Gábor and Hunyadi Attila:
Oxidized Metabolites of 20-Hydroxyecdysone and their Activity on Skeletal Muscle Cells: Preparation of a Pair of Desmotropes with Opposite Bioactivities.
Journal of Natural Products, 78 (10).
pp. 2339-2345.
ISSN 0163-3864
Lai Wan-Chun and Dankó Balázs and Csábi József and Kele Zoltán and Chang Fang-Rong and Pascu Mihail Lucian and Gáti Tamás and Simon András and Amaral Leonard and Tóth Gábor and Hunyadi Attila:
Rapid, Laser-Induced Conversion of 20-Hydroxyecdysone - a Follow-up Study on the Products Obtained.
Steroids, 89.
pp. 56-62.
ISSN 0039-128X
Csábi József and Martins Ana and Balázs Attila and Amaral Leonard and Molnár József and Simon András and Tóth Gábor and Hunyadi Attila:
Synthesis of 2,3-dioxolane substituted ecdysteroids as potential MDR-modulators.
Trends in Natural Products Research 2014.
Phytochemical Society of Europe, Olomouc, Csehország, pp. 36-37.
ISBN 978-0-9565472-5-5
Csábi József and Martins Ana and Balázs Attila and Amaral Leonard and Molnár József and Simon András and Tóth Gábor and Hunyadi Attila:
Természetes eredetű ekdiszteroid-származékok: félszintézis és multidrog-rezisztenciára kifejtett hatás.
Gyógyszerészet, 58 (Suppl 1.).
p. 83.
ISSN 0017-6036
Hunyadi Attila and Herke Ibolya and Veres Katalin and Erdei Anna and Simon András and Tóth Gábor:
Volatile glycosides from the leaves of Morus alba with a potential contribution to the complex anti-diabetic activity.
Natural Product Communications, 9 (2).
pp. 145-147.
ISSN 1934-578X
Balázs Attila and Hunyadi Attila and Csábi József and Jedlinszki Nikoletta and Martins Ana and Simon András and Tóth Gábor:
H-1 and C-13 NMR investigation of 20-hydroxyecdysone dioxolane derivatives, a novel group of MDR modulator agents.
Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry, 51 (12).
pp. 830-836.
ISSN 0749-1581
Martins Ana and Csábi József and Balázs Attila and Kitka Diána and Amaral Leonard and Molnár József and Simon András and Tóth Gábor and Hunyadi Attila:
Synthesis and Structure-Activity Relationships of Novel Ecdysteroid Dioxolanes as MDR Modulators in Cancer.
Molecules, 18 (12).
pp. 15255-15275.
ISSN 1420-3049
Simon András and Ványolós Attila and Béni Zoltán and Dékány Miklós and Tóth Gábor and Báthori Mária:
Ecdysteroids from Polypodium vulgare L.
Steroids, 76 (13).
pp. 1419-1424.
ISSN 0039-128X
Tóth Noémi and Simon András and Tóth Gábor and Kele Zoltán and Hunyadi Attila and Báthori Mária:
26-Hydroxylated ecdysteroids from Silene viridiflora.
pp. 1461-1463.
ISSN 0163-3864
Hunyadi Attila and Tóth Gábor and Simon András and Mák Marianna and Kele Zoltán and Máthé Imre and Báthori Mária:
Two new ecdysteroids from Serratula wolffii (Addition/Correction).
p. 1792.
ISSN 0163-3864
Hunyadi Attila and Gergely András and Simon András and Tóth Gábor and Veress Gábor and Báthori Mária:
Preparative-scale chromatography of ecdysteroids of serratula wolffii andrae.
pp. 76-86.
ISSN 0021-9665
Hunyadi Attila and Tóth Gábor and Simon András and Mák Marianna and Kele Zoltán and Máthé Imre and Báthori Mária:
Two new ecdysteroids from Serratula wolfii.
pp. 1070-1072.
ISSN 0163-3864
Simon András and Pongracz Zita and Tóth Gábor and Makádi Mariann and Máthé Imre and Báthori Mária:
A new ecdysteroid with unique 9β-OH and four other ecdysteroids from Silene italica ssp. nemoralis.
STEROIDS, 69 (6).
pp. 389-394.
ISSN 0039-128X