Szabó Yvette; Papp Judit; Asher Meerab; Szabados Márton; Sipos Pál Miklós; Kutus Bence:
Synthesis and neutralization reactions of katoite phases.
In: 12th Alumina Quality Workshop, 2024.04.22-2024.04.24, Dubai.
pp. 1-6.
Kása Eszter; Szabó Yvette; Papp Judit; Szabados Márton; Kutus Bence; Sipos Pál Miklós:
Synthesis, characterization and dissolution of bauxite residue (BxR) components relevant to acid neutralization - overview on a bottom-up study conducted at University of Szeged.
In: 12th Alumina Quality Workshop, 2024.04.22-2024.04.24, Dubai.
pp. 1-5.