Tihanyi Balázs; Samu Levente; Koncz István; Hergott Kristóf; Medgyesi Pál; Pálfi György; Szabó Krisztina Ágnes; Kis Luca; Marcsik Antónia; Molnár Erika; Spekker Olga:
A glimpse into the past of Hansen's disease – Re-evaluation and comparative analysis of cases with leprosy from the Avar period of the Trans-Tisza region, Hungary.
ISSN 1472-9792
Bereczki Zsolt; Váradi Orsolya Anna; Molnár Erika; Marcsik Antónia; Medgyesi Pál; Pálfi György:
Possible signs of ritual healing observed in the 7-8th c. AD Avar Age site of Császárszállás-Hanzély tanya (MRT 10. 385. 4/21. LH.).
The Talking Dead - New results from Central- and Eastern European Osteoarchaeology: Proceedings of the First International Conference of the Török Aurél Anthropological Association from Târgu Mureş.
Bibliotheca Musei Marisiensis. Seria Archaeologica
Mega Publishing House, Cluj-Napoca, Románia, pp. 19-27.
ISBN 978-606-543-800-2