Kertész Attila; Kecskeméti Gábor; Marosi Attila; Oriol Marc; Franch Xavier; Marco Jordi:
Integrated monitoring approach for seamless service provisioning in federated clouds.
Proceedings of the 20th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-Based Processing (PDP 2012). Garching, 15-17 February 2012.
IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos, pp. 567-574.
ISBN 978-1-4673-0226-5
Kecskeméti Gábor; Kertész Attila; Marosi Attila; Kacsuk Péter:
Interoperable resource management for establishing federated clouds.
Achieving federated and self-manageable cloud infrastructures. Theory and practice (eds. Massimo Villari - Ivona Brandic - Francesco Tusa).
IGI Global, Hershey, pp. 18-35.
ISBN 9781466616318
Marosi Attila; Kecskeméti Gábor; Kertész Attila; Kacsuk Péter:
FCM: an architecture for integrating IaaS cloud systems.
IARIA Proceedings of CLOUD COMPUTING 2011. The Second International Conference on Cloud Computing, GRIDs, and Virtualization (eds. Massimo Villari - et al.). Rome, 25-30 September 2011.
XPS Xpert Publishing Service, Wilmington (DE), pp. 7-12.
ISBN 978-1-61208-153-3