Christgen Matthias; Cserni Gábor; Floris Giuseppe; Marchio Caterina; Djerroudi Lounes; Kreipe Hans; Derksen Patrick W. B.; Vincent-Salomon Anne:
Lobular Breast Cancer: Histomorphology and Different Concepts of a Special Spectrum of Tumors.
CANCERS, 13 (15).
Terjedelem: 34-Azonosító: 3695.
ISSN 2072-6694
Kővári Bence; Vranic Semir; Marchio Caterina; Sapino Anna; Cserni Gábor:
The expression of growth hormone releasing hormone (GHRH) and its receptors in breast carcinomas with apocrine differentiation - further evidence of the presence of a GHRH pathway in these tumors.
pp. 164-170.
ISSN 0046-8177