Items where Author is " Gallé Róbert"

Number of items: 39.

Szitár Katalin and Tölgyesi Csaba and Deák Balázs and Gallé Róbert and Korányi Dávid and Batáry Péter: Connectivity and fragment size drive plant dispersal and persistence traits in forest steppe fragments.

Torma Attila and Révész Kitti and Gallé-Szpisjak Nikolett and Šeat Jelena and Szél Győző and Kutasi Csaba and Malenovský Igor and Batáry Péter and Gallé Róbert: Differences in arthropod communities between grazed areas and grazing exclosures depend on arthropod groups and vegetation types.

Tölgyesi Csaba and Bátori Zoltán and Pascarella John and Erdős László and Török Péter and Batáry Péter and Birkhofer Klaus and Scherer Laura and Michalko Radek and Košulič Ondřej and Zaller Johann G. and Gallé Róbert: Ecovoltaics: Framework and future research directions to reconcile land-based solar power development with ecosystem conservation.

Gallé Róbert and Tölgyesi Csaba and Szabó Ágota Réka and Korányi Dávid and Bátori Zoltán and Hábenczyus Alida Anna and Török Edina and Révész Kitti and Torma Attila and Gallé-Szpisjak Nikolett and Lakatos Tamás and Batáry Péter: Plant invasion and fragmentation indirectly and contrastingly affect native plants and grassland arthropods.

Korányi Dávid and Gallé Róbert and Torma Attila and Gallé‐Szpisjak Nikolett and Batáry Péter: Small grassland fragments and connectivity support high arthropod functional diversity in highly modified landscapes.
INSECT CONSERVATION AND DIVERSITY, 16 (5). pp. 701-711. ISSN 1752-458X (2023)

Gallé Róbert and Tölgyesi Csaba and Császár Péter and Bátori Zoltán and Gallé‐Szpisjak Nikolett and Kaur Hardeep and Maák István Elek and Torma Attila and Batáry Péter: Landscape structure is a major driver of plant and arthropod diversity in natural European forest fragments.
ECOSPHERE, 13 (1). Terjedelem: 12 p.-Azonosító: e3905. ISSN 2150-8925 (2022)

Gallé Róbert and Korányi Dávid and Tölgyesi Csaba and Lakatos Tamás and Marcolin Fabio and Török Edina and Révész Kitti and Szabó Ágota Réka and Torma Attila and Gallé-Szpisjak Nikolett and Marja Riho and Szitár Katalin and Deák Balázs and Batáry Péter: Landscape-scale connectivity and fragment size determine species composition of grassland fragments.
BASIC AND APPLIED ECOLOGY, 65. pp. 39-49. ISSN 1439-1791 (2022)

Gallé Róbert and Tölgyesi Csaba and Torma Attila and Bátori Zoltán and Lőrinczi Gábor and Szilassi Péter and Gallé-Szpisjak Nikolett and Kaur Hardeep and Makra Tímea and Módra Gábor and Batáry Péter: Matrix quality and habitat type drive the diversity pattern of forest steppe fragments.
PERSPECTIVES IN ECOLOGY AND CONSERVATION, 20 (1). pp. 60-68. ISSN 2530-0644 (2022)

Szilassi Péter and Gallé Róbert and Szép Tibor and Csikós Nándor: Scale dependence of landscape-structure-based estimation of abundance of Eurasian skylark (Alauda arvensis).

Bátori Zoltán and Gallé Róbert and Gallé-Szpisjak Nikolett and Császár Péter and Nagy Dávid and Lőrinczi Gábor and Torma Attila and Tölgyesi Csaba and Maák István Elek and Frei Kata and Hábenczyus Alida Anna and Hornung Erzsébet: Topographic depressions provide potential microrefugia for ground-dwelling arthropods.
ELEMENTA-SCIENCE OF THE ANTHROPOCENE, 10 (1). Terjedelem: 18 p.-Azonosító: 00084. ISSN 2325-1026 (2022)

Tölgyesi Csaba and Torma Attila and Bátori Zoltán and Šeat Jelena and Popović Miloš and Gallé Róbert and Gallé-Szpisjak Nikolett and Erdős László and Vinkó Tamás and Kelemen András and Török Péter: Turning old foes into new allies—Harnessing drainage canals for biodiversity conservation in a desiccated European lowland region.
JOURNAL OF APPLIED ECOLOGY, 59 (1). pp. 89-102. ISSN 0021-8901 (2022)

Valkó Orsolya and Tölgyesi Csaba and Kelemen András and Bátori Zoltán and Gallé Róbert and Bragina Tatyana M. and Bragin Yevgeny A. and Rádai Zoltán and Deák Balázs: Steppe Marmot (Marmota bobak) as ecosystem engineer in arid steppes.
JOURNAL OF ARID ENVIRONMENTS, 184. Terjedelem: 10 p-Azonosító: 104244. ISSN 0140-1963 (2021)

Ingle Kapilkumar Nivrutti and Kaur Hardeep and Gallé-Szpisjak Nikolett and Bürgés József and Szabó Áron and Gallé Róbert: Winter-Active Spider Fauna is Affected by Plantation Forest Type.
ENVIRONMENTAL ENTOMOLOGY, 49 (3). pp. 601-606. ISSN 0046-225X (2020)

Ingle Kapilkumar Nivrutti and Gallé-Szpisjak Nikolett and Hardeep Kaur and Gallé Róbert: Forest type interacts with milkweed invasion to affect spider communities.
INSECT CONSERVATION AND DIVERSITY, 12 (4). pp. 321-328. ISSN 1752-458X (2019)

Szilassi Péter and Csikós Nándor and Gallé Róbert and Szép Tibor: Recent and Predicted Changes in Habitat of the Eurasian Skylark Alauda arvensis Based on the Link between the Land Cover and the Field Survey Based Abundance Data.
ACTA ORNITHOLOGICA, 54 (1). pp. 59-71. ISSN 0001-6454 (2019)

Hardeep Kaur and Torma Attila and Gallé-Szpisjak Nikolett and Šeat Jelena and Lőrinczi Gábor and Módra Gábor and Gallé Róbert: Road verges are important secondary habitats for grassland arthropods.
JOURNAL OF INSECT CONSERVATION, 23 (5/6). pp. 899-907. ISSN 1366-638X (2019)

Torma Attila and Császár Péter and Bozsó Miklós and Deák Balázs and Valkó Orsolya and Kiss Orsolya and Gallé Róbert: Species and functional diversity of arthropod assemblages (Araneae, Carabidae, Heteroptera and Orthoptera) in grazed and mown salt grasslands.
AGRICULTURE ECOSYSTEMS & ENVIRONMENT, 273. pp. 70-79. ISSN 0167-8809 (2019)

Szilassi Péter and Csikós Nándor and Gallé Róbert and Szép Tibor: A mezei pacsirta előfordulási adatai és a tájszerkezet közötti kapcsolat regionális léptékű vizsgálata.
In: Tájak működése és arculata. MTA DTB Földtudományi Szakbizottság, Debrecen, pp. 237-242. (2019) ISBN 9789637064395

Bátori Zoltán and Erdős László and Kelemen András and Deák Balázs and Valkó Orsolya and Gallé Róbert and Bragina Tatyana M. and Kiss Péter János and Kröel-Dulay György and Tölgyesi Csaba: Diversity patterns in sandy forest-steppes: a comparative study from the western and central Palaearctic.
BIODIVERSITY AND CONSERVATION, 27 (4). pp. 1011-1030. ISSN 0960-3115 (2018)

Császár Péter and Torma Attila and Gallé-Szpisjak Nikolett and Tölgyesi Csaba and Gallé Róbert: Efficiency of pitfall traps with funnels and/or roofs in capturing ground-dwelling arthropods.
EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ENTOMOLOGY, 115. pp. 15-24. ISSN 1802-8829 (2018)

Torma Attila and Bozsó Miklós and Gallé Róbert: Secondary habitats are important in biodiversity conservation: a case study on orthopterans along ditch banks.
ANIMAL BIODIVERSITY AND CONSERVATION, 41 (1). pp. 97-108. ISSN 1578-665X (2018)

Gallé Róbert and Császár Péter and Makra Tímea and Gallé-Szpisjak Nikolett and Ladányi Zsuzsanna and Torma Attila and Szilassi Péter: Small-scale agricultural landscapes promote spider and ground beetle densities by offering suitable overwintering sites.
LANDSCAPE ECOLOGY, 33 (8). pp. 1435-1446. ISSN 0921-2973 (2018)

Gallé Róbert and Szabó Ágota and Császár Péter and Torma Attila: Spider assemblage structure and functional diversity patterns of natural forest steppes and exotic forest plantations.
FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT, 411 (1). pp. 234-239. ISSN 0378-1127 (2018)

Tölgyesi Csaba and Császár Péter and Torma Attila and Török Péter and Bátori Zoltán and Gallé Róbert: Think twice before using narrow buffers: attenuating mowing- induced arthropod spillover across forest-grassland edges.
AGRICULTURE ECOSYSTEMS & ENVIRONMENT, 255. pp. 37-44. ISSN 0167-8809 (2018)

Tölgyesi Csaba and Valkó Orsolya and Deák Balázs and Kelemen András and Bragina Tatyana M. and Gallé Róbert and Erdős László and Bátori Zoltán: Tree–herb co-existence and community assembly in natural forest-steppe transitions.
PLANT ECOLOGY & DIVERSITY, 11 (4). pp. 465-477. ISSN 1755-0874 (2018)

Ingle Kapilkumar Nivrutti and Horváth Ádám and Gallé-Szpisjak Nikolett and Gellért Levente and Csata Enikő and Gallé Róbert: The effects of overwintering and habitat type on body condition and locomotion of the wolf spider Pardosa alacris.

Gallé Róbert and Gallé-Szpisjak Nikolett and Torma Attila: Habitat structure influences the spider fauna of short-rotation poplar plantations more than forest age.
EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF FOREST RESEARCH, 136 (1). pp. 51-58. ISSN 1612-4669 (2017)

Torma Attila and Bozsó Miklós and Tölgyesi Csaba and Gallé Róbert: Relationship of different feeding groups of true bugs (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) with habitat and landscape features in Pannonic salt grasslands.
JOURNAL OF INSECT CONSERVATION, 21 (4). pp. 645-656. ISSN 1366-638X (2017)

Tölgyesi Csaba and Bátori Zoltán and Gallé Róbert and Urák István and Hartel Tibor: Shrub Encroachment Under the Trees Diversifies the Herb Layer in a Romanian Silvopastoral System.
RANGELAND ECOLOGY & MANAGEMENT, 71 (5). pp. 571-577. ISSN 1550-7424 (2017)

Gallé Róbert and Gallé-Szpisjak Nikolett and Torma Attila: Influence of habitat structure on the spiders of river islands and floodplain forests of the lower reach of the Mures River in Western Romania.
NORTH-WESTERN JOURNAL OF ZOOLOGY, 12 (2). pp. 255-260. ISSN 1584-9074 (2016)

Benyó Dániel and Horváth Edit and Németh Edit and Leviczky Tünde and Takács Kinga and Lehotai Nóra and Feigl Gábor and Kolbert Zsuzsanna and Ördög Attila and Gallé Róbert and Csiszár Jolán and Szabados László and Erdei László and Gallé Ágnes: Physiological and molecular responses to heavy metal stresses suggest different detoxification mechanism of Populus deltoides and P. x canadensis.
JOURNAL OF PLANT PHYSIOLOGY, 201. pp. 62-70. ISSN 0176-1617 (2016)

Bátori Zoltán and Körmöczi László and Zalatnai Márta and Erdős László and Ódor Péter and Tölgyesi Csaba and Margóczi Katalin and Torma Attila and Gallé Róbert and Cseh Viktória and Török Péter: River Dikes in Agricultural Landscapes: The Importance of Secondary Habitats in Maintaining Landscape-Scale Diversity.
WETLANDS, 36. pp. 251-264. ISSN 0277-5212 (2016)

Gallé Róbert and Torma Attila and Maák István Elek: The effect of forest age and habitat structure on the ground-dwelling ant assemblages of lowland poplar plantations.
AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST ENTOMOLOGY, 18 (2). pp. 151-156. ISSN 1461-9555 (2016)

Tölgyesi Csaba and Bátori Zoltán and Erdős László and Gallé Róbert and Körmöczi László: Plant diversity patterns of a Hungarian steppe-wetland mosaic in relation to grazing regime and land use history.
TUEXENIA, 35. pp. 399-416. ISSN 0722-494X (2015)

Gallé Róbert and Erdélyi Nóra and Szpisjak Nikoletta and Tölgyesi Csaba and Maák István Elek: The effect of the invasive Asclepias syriaca on the ground-dwelling arthropod fauna.
BIOLOGIA (BRATISLAVA), 70 (1). pp. 104-112. ISSN 0006-3088 (2015)

Torma Attila and Gallé Róbert and Bozsó Miklós: Effects of habitat and landscape characteristics on the arthropod assemblages (Araneae, Orthoptera, Heteroptera) of sand grassland remnants in Southern Hungary.
AGRICULTURE ECOSYSTEMS & ENVIRONMENT, 196. pp. 42-50. ISSN 0167-8809 (2014)

Deák Balázs and Tölgyesi Csaba and Kelemen András and Bátori Zoltán and Gallé Róbert and Bragina Tatyana M. and Yerkin Abil I. and Valkó Orsolya: The effects of micro-habitats and grazing intensity on the vegetation of burial mounds in the Kazakh steppes.
PLANT ECOLOGY & DIVERSITY, 10 (5/6). pp. 509-520. ISSN 1755-0874 (2014)

Gallé Róbert and Lőrinczi Gábor and Szpisjak Nikoletta and Maák István Elek and Torma Attila: Data on the arthropod (Araneae, Formicidae, Heteroptera) fauna of floodplain forests at the lower reach of the river Maros/Mures.
TISCIA MONOGRAPH SERIES, 10. pp. 45-66. ISSN 1418-0448 (2012)

Lőrinczi Gábor and Bozsó Miklós and Duma Ioan and Petrescu Marian and Gallé Róbert and Torma Attila: Preliminary results on the invertebrate fauna (Araneae, Orthoptera, Heteroptera and Hymenoptera: Formicidae) of alkaline grasslands of the Hungarian-Romanian border.
TISCIA MONOGRAPH SERIES, 9. pp. 159-173. ISSN 1418-0448 (2011)

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