Tolnai Balázs; Kiss T. János; Felföldi Károly; Pálinkó István:
C-H...F hydrogen bonds as the organising force in F-substituted alpha-phenyl cinnamic acid aggregates studied by the combination of FTIR spectroscopy and computations.
Journal of Molecular Structure, 924-926.
pp. 27-31.
ISSN 0022-2860
Cserényi Szabolcs; Felföldi Károly; Forgó Péter; Pálinkó István:
Preparation of 3-substituted and 2,3-disubstituted-4,4,4-trifluoro-2-butenoic acids—Perkin condensation of activated aromatic ketones.
Journal of Fluorine Chemistry, 127 (7).
pp. 850-853.
ISSN 00221139
Kiss T. János; Felföldi Károly; Pálinkó István:
Changes in the aggregation patterns of Z-2,3-diphenylpropenoic acid and its methyl ester on substituting the olefinic hydrogen with CF3 group—an FT-IR study.
Journal of Molecular Structure, 744-747.
pp. 207-210.
ISSN 00222860
Forgó Péter; Felföldi Károly; Pálinkó István:
Conformations of E-2-phenyl-3(2′-furyl)propenoic acid and its methyl ester in various solvents—an NMR study.
pp. 273-276.
ISSN 0022-2860
Boros László; Felföldi Károly; Pálinkó István:
Preparation of New 2,3-Diphenylpropenoic Acid Esters – Good Yields Even for the More Hindered Z Isomers.
Molecules, 9 (4).
pp. 256-263.
ISSN 1420-3049
Kiss T. János; Felföldi Károly; Paksi Zoltán; Pálinkó István:
Structure-forming properties of 3-furylpropenoic acid derivatives in solution and in the solid state.
pp. 253-258.
ISSN 0022-2860
Kiss T. János; Felföldi Károly; Körtvélyesi Tamás; Pálinkó István:
Hydrogen bonding interactions in α-substituted cinnamic acid ester derivatives studied by FT–IR spectroscopy and calculations.
Vibrational Spectroscopy, 22 (1-2).
pp. 63-73.
ISSN 09242031
Felföldi Károly; Sutyinszky Mária; Nagy Nóra Veronika; Pálinkó István:
Synthesis ofE- andZ-o-Methoxy-Substituted 2,3-Diphenyl Propenoic Acids and Its Methyl Esters.
Synthetic Communications, 30 (9).
pp. 1543-1553.
ISSN 0039-7911