Nové Márta; Kincses Annamária; Molnár József; Amaral Leonard; Spengler Gabriella:
The Role of Efflux Pumps and Environmental pH in Bacterial Multidrug Resistance.
IN VIVO, 34 (1).
pp. 65-71.
ISSN 0258-851X
Spengler Gabriella; Kincses Annamária; Gajdács Márió; Amaral Leonard:
New Roads Leading to Old Destinations: Efflux Pumps as Targets to Reverse Multidrug Resistance in Bacteria.
MOLECULES, 22 (3).
Terjedelem: 25 p.-Azonosító: 468.
ISSN 1420-3049
Varga Borisz; Csonka Ákos; Csonka Andrea; Molnár József; Amaral Leonard; Spengler Gabriella:
Possible biological and clinical applications of phenothiazines.
pp. 5983-5993.
ISSN 0250-7005
Spengler Gabriella; Csonka Ákos; Molnár József; Amaral Leonard:
The Anticancer Activity of the Old Neuroleptic Phenothiazine-type Drug Thioridazine.
pp. 5701-5706.
ISSN 0250-7005
Armada Ana; Martins Célia; Spengler Gabriella; Molnár József; Amaral Leonard; Rodrigues António Sebastião; Viveiros Miguel:
Fluorimetric Methods for Analysis of Permeability, Drug Transport Kinetics, and Inhibition of the ABCB1 Membrane Transporter.
Cancer Drug Resistance : Overviews and Methods.
Methods in Molecular Biology, 1395
Springer New York, New York, pp. 87-103.
ISBN 9781493933457
Amaral Leonard; Spengler Gabriella; Molnár József:
Identification of Important Compounds Isolated from Natural Sources that Have Activity Against Multidrug-resistant Cancer Cell Lines: Effects on Proliferation, Apoptotic Mechanism and the Efflux Pump Responsible for Multi-resistance Phenotype.
pp. 5665-5672.
ISSN 0250-7005
Domínguez-Álvarez Enrique; Gajdács Márió; Spengler Gabriella; Palop Juan Antonio; Marć Małgorzata Anna; Kieć-Kononowicz Katarzyna; Amaral Leonard; Molnár József; Jacob Claus; Handzlik Jadwiga; Sanmartín Carmen:
Identification of selenocompounds with promising properties to reverse cancer multidrug resistance.
pp. 2821-2824.
ISSN 0960-894X
Martins Ana; Sipos Péter; Dér Katalin; Csábi József; Miklos Walter; Berger Walter; Zalatnai Attila; Amaral Leonard; Molnár József; Szabó-Révész Piroska; Hunyadi Attila:
Ecdysteroids sensitize MDR and non-MDR cancer cell lines to doxorubicin, paclitaxel, and vincristine but tend to protect them from cisplatin.
BioMed Research International, 2015.
Terjedelem: 8 p.-Azonosító: 895360.
ISSN 2314-6133
Takács Daniella; Csonka Ákos; Horváth Ádám; Windt Tímea; Gajdács Márió; Riedl Zsuzsanna; Hajós György; Amaral Leonard; Molnár József; Spengler Gabriella:
Reversal of ABCB1-related Multidrug Resistance of Colonic Adenocarcinoma Cells by Phenothiazines.
pp. 3245-3251.
ISSN 0250-7005
Amaral Leonard; Martins Ana; Spengler Gabriella; Molnár József:
Efflux pumps of Gram-negative bacteria: what they do, how they do it with what and how to deal with them.
Terjedelem: 11 p.-Azonosító: 168.
ISSN 1663-9812
Dankó Balázs Ödön; Martins Ana; Amaral Leonard; Molnár József; Chang Fang-Rong; Wu Yang-Chang; Hunyadi Attila:
MDR szelektív rákellenes hatással rendelkező protoflavon származékok előállítása.
Gyógyszerészet, 58 (Suppl 1.).
p. 64.
ISSN 0017-6036
Spengler Gabriella; Takács Daniella; Horváth Ádám; Riedl Zsuzsanna; Hajós György; Amaral Leonard; Molnár József:
Multidrug Resistance Reversing Activity of Newly Developed Phenothiazines on P-glycoprotein (ABCB1)-related Resistance of Mouse T-Lymphoma Cells.
pp. 1737-1741.
ISSN 0250-7005
Lai Wan-Chun; Dankó Balázs; Csábi József; Kele Zoltán; Chang Fang-Rong; Pascu Mihail Lucian; Gáti Tamás; Simon András; Amaral Leonard; Tóth Gábor; Hunyadi Attila:
Rapid, Laser-Induced Conversion of 20-Hydroxyecdysone - a Follow-up Study on the Products Obtained.
Steroids, 89.
pp. 56-62.
ISSN 0039-128X
Molnár József; Mándi Yvette; Spengler Gabriella; Haszon Ibolya; Túri Sándor; Kásler Miklós; Amaral Leonard:
Synergism between Antiplasmid Promethazine and Antibiotics In Vitro and In Vivo.
Azonosító: 1000139-Terjedelem: 5 p.
ISSN 2167-0501
Csábi József; Martins Ana; Balázs Attila; Amaral Leonard; Molnár József; Simon András; Tóth Gábor; Hunyadi Attila:
Synthesis of 2,3-dioxolane substituted ecdysteroids as potential MDR-modulators.
Trends in Natural Products Research 2014.
Phytochemical Society of Europe, Olomouc, Csehország, pp. 36-37.
ISBN 978-0-9565472-5-5
Csábi József; Martins Ana; Balázs Attila; Amaral Leonard; Molnár József; Simon András; Tóth Gábor; Hunyadi Attila:
Természetes eredetű ekdiszteroid-származékok: félszintézis és multidrog-rezisztenciára kifejtett hatás.
Gyógyszerészet, 58 (Suppl 1.).
p. 83.
ISSN 0017-6036
Alexandru Tatiana; Armada Ana Maria; Dankó Balázs Ödön; Hunyadi Attila; Militaru Andra; Boni Mihai; Nastasa Viorel; Martins Ana; Viveiros Miguel; Pascu Mihail Lucian; Molnár József; Amaral Leonard:
Biological Evaluation of Products Formed from the Irradiation of Chlorpromazine with a 266 nm Laser Beam.
Biochemistry & Pharmacology, 2 (1).
Azonosító: 109-Terjedelem: 4 p..
ISSN 2167-0501
Tokuda Harukuni; Maoka Takashi; Suzuiki Nobutaka; Hohmann Judit; Vasas Andrea; Engi Helga; Mucsi Ilona; Olszewski Ulrike; Hamilton Gerhard; Amaral Leonard; Molnár József:
Effects of two disiloxanes ALIS-409 and ALIS-421 on chemoprevention in model experiments.
Anticancer Research, 33 (5).
pp. 2021-2027.
ISSN 0250-7005
Amaral Leonard; Spengler Gabriella; Martins Ana; Molnár József:
Efflux Pumps that Bestow Multi-Drug Resistance of Pathogenic Gramnegative Bacteria.
Terjedelem: 3 p.-Azonosító: 1000119.
Pascu Mihail Lucian; Dankó Balázs Ödön; Martins Ana; Jedlinszki Nikoletta; Alexandru Tatiana; Nastasa Viorel; Boni Mihai; Militaru Andra; Andrei Ionut Relu; Staicu Angela; Hunyadi Attila; Fanning Seamus; Amaral Leonard:
Exposure of Chlorpromazine to 266 nm Laser Beam Generates New Species with Antibacterial Properties: Contributions to Development of a New Process for Drug
PLoS ONE, 8 (2).
Azonosító: N°e55767-Terjedelem: 16 p..
ISSN 1932-6203
Armada Ana Maria; Alexandru Tatiana; Machado Diana; Dankó Balázs Ödön; Hunyadi Attila; Dinache, Viveiros Andra; Nastasa Viorel; Boni Mihai; Ramos Jorge; Viveiros Miguel; Molnár József; Pascu Mihail Lucian; Amaral Leonard:
The InVitro Activity of Products Formed from Exposure of Chlorpromazine to a 266nm LASER Beam Against Species of Mycobacteria of Human Interest.
In Vivo, 27 (5).
pp. 605-610.
ISSN 0258-851X
Martins Ana; Hunyadi Attila; Amaral Leonard:
Mechanisms of resistance in bacteria: An evolutionary approach.
Open Microbiology Journal, 7 (Suppl.1).
pp. 53-58.
ISSN 1874-2858
Molnár József; Mucsi Ilona; Engi Helga; Spengler Gabriella; Amaral Leonard; Zalatnai Attila; Wang Qi; Shlomo Ben Efraim:
The Role of Stroma in Tumour-Host Co-Existence: Some Perspectives in Stroma-Targeted Therapy of Cancer.
Terjedelem: 6 p.-Azonostító: 1000107.
ISSN 2167-0501
Martins Ana; Csábi József; Balázs Attila; Kitka Diána; Amaral Leonard; Molnár József; Simon András; Tóth Gábor; Hunyadi Attila:
Synthesis and Structure-Activity Relationships of Novel Ecdysteroid Dioxolanes as MDR Modulators in Cancer.
Molecules, 18 (12).
pp. 15255-15275.
ISSN 1420-3049
Amaral Leonard; Martins Ana; Spengler Gabriella; Hunyadi Attila; Molnár József:
The mechanism by which the phenothiazine thioridazine contributes to cure problematic drug-resistant forms of pulmonary tuberculosis: Recent patents for "new use".
Recent Patents on Anti-Infective Drug Discovery, 8 (3).
pp. 206-212.
ISSN 1574-891X
Handzlik Jadwiga; Spengler Gabriella; Mastek Beata; Dela Anna; Molnár József; Amaral Leonard; Kieć-Kononowicz Katarzyna:
5-Arylidene(thio)hydantoin derivatives as modulators of cancer efflux pump.
pp. 149-156.
ISSN 0001-6837
Spengler Gabriella; Rodrigues Liliana; Martins Ana; Martins Marta; McCusker Matthew; Cerca Pedro; Machado Lisa; Costa Sofia Santos; Ntokou Eleni; Couto Isabel; Viveiros Miguel; Fanning Seamus; Molnár József; Amaral Leonard:
Genetic response of Salmonella enterica serotype Enteritidis to thioridazine rendering the organism resistant to the agent.
pp. 16-21.
ISSN 0924-8579
Dankó Balázs Ödön; Martins Ana; Chuang Da-Wei; Wang Hui-Chun; Amaral Leonard; Molnár József; Chang Fang-Rong; Wu Yang-Chang; Hunyadi Attila:
In vitro cytotoxic activity of novel protoflavone analogs – selectivity towards a multidrug resistant cancer cell line.
Anticancer Research, 32 (7).
pp. 2863-2869.
ISSN 0250-7005
Hunyadi Attila; Dankó Balázs Ödön; Boni Mihai; Militaru Andra; Alexandru Tatiana; Nastasa Viorel; Andrei Ionut Relu; Pascu Mihail Lucian; Amaral Leonard:
Rapid, laser-induced conversion of 20-hydroxyecdysone and its diacetonide – experimental set-up of a system for photochemical transformation of bioactive substances.
Anticancer Research, 32 (4).
pp. 1291-1297.
ISSN 0250-7005
Martins Ana; Vasas Andrea; Vieiros Miguel; Molnár József; Hohmann Judit; Amaral Leonard:
Antibacterial properties of compounds isolated from Carpobrotus edulis.
International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents, 37 (5).
pp. 438-444.
ISSN 0924-8579
Takács Daniella; Cerca Pedro; Martins Ana; Riedl Zsuzsanna; Hajós György; Molnár József; Viveiros Miguel; Couto Isabel; Amaral Leonard:
Evaluation of forty new phenothiazine derivatives for activity against intrinsic efflux pump systems of reference Escherichia coli, Salmonella Enteritidis, Enterococcus faecalis and Staphylococcus aureus strains.
In Vivo, 25 (5).
pp. 719-724.
ISSN 0258-851X
Ordway Diane; Hohmann Judit; Viveiros Miguel; Viveiros Antonio; Molnár József; Leandro Clara; Arroz Maria Jorge; Gracio Maria Amelia; Amaral Leonard:
Carpobrotus edulis methanol extract inhibits the MDR efflux pumps, enhances killing of phagocytosed S. aureus and promotes immune modulation.
pp. 512-519.
ISSN 0951-418X
Spengler Gabriella; Miczák András; Hajdú Edit; Kawase Masami; Amaral Leonard; Molnár József:
Enhancement of plasmid curing by 9-aminoacridine and two phenothiazines in the presence of proton pump inhibitor 1-(2-benzoxazolyl)-3,3,3-trifluoro-2-propanone.
pp. 223-227.
ISSN 0924-8579
Gunics Gyöngyi; Motohashi Noboru; Amaral Leonard; Farkas Sándor; Molnár József:
Interaction between antibiotics and non-conventional antibiotics on bacteria.
pp. 239-242.
ISSN 0924-8579