Tételek ahol a Kar/Egység "Fogorvostudományi Kar" és a mű dátuma "2024"

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Találatok száma: 39.


Adeel Aslam; Shazia Jamshed; Che Suraya Zin; Norny Syafinaz Ab Rahman; Syed Imran Ahmed; Godóné Szabó Zita Lívia; Gajdács Márió: Understanding the Determinants Influencing Self-Medication with Antibiotics Among Malaysian Residents: A Qualitative Study to Inform Preventive Public Health Strategies.
ANTIBIOTICS, 13 (11). ISSN 2079-6382 (2024)

Aghasizadeh Sherbaf Reza; Kaposvári George Michel; Nagy Katalin; Álmos Péter Zoltán; Baráth Zoltán Lajos; Matusovits Danica: Oral Health Status and Factors Related to Oral Health in Patients with Schizophrenia: A Matched Case-Control Observational Study.
JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE, 13 (6). ISSN 2077-0383 (2024)

Antal Márk Ádám; Kiscsatári Ramóna; Braunitzer Gábor; Piffkó József; Varga Endre; Noam Eliaz: Assessment of a novel electrochemically deposited smart bioactive trabecular coating (SBTC®): a randomized controlled clinical trial.
HEAD AND FACE MEDICINE, 20 (1). ISSN 1746-160X (2024)


Baxmann Martin; Baráth Zoltán Lajos; Kárpáti Krisztina: Application and Future Utilization of Shellac in Orthodontics: A Systematic Review.
JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE, 13 (10). ISSN 2077-0383 (2024)

Baxmann Martin; Baráth Zoltán Lajos; Kárpáti Krisztina: Efficacy of typodont and simulation training in orthodontic education: a systematic review.
BMC MEDICAL EDUCATION, 24 (1). ISSN 1472-6920 (2024)

Baxmann Martin; Baráth Zoltán Lajos; Kárpáti Krisztina: The role of psychology and communication skills in orthodontic practice: a systematic review.
BMC MEDICAL EDUCATION, 24 (1). ISSN 1472-6920 (2024)

Bryazka Dana; Reitsma Marissa B; Abate Yohannes Habtegiorgis; Abd Al Magied Abdallah H A; Abdelkader Atef; Abdollahi Arash; Abdoun Meriem; Abdulkader Rizwan Suliankatchi; Abeldaño Zuñiga Roberto Ariel; Abhilash E S; Abiodun Olugbenga Olusola; Abiodun Olumide; Aboagye Richard Gyan; Abreu Lucas Guimarães; Abtahi Dariush; Abualruz Hasan; Abubakar Bilyaminu; Abu-Rmeileh Niveen ME; Aburuz Salahdein; Abu-Zaid Ahmed; Adane Mesafint Molla; Adebiyi Akindele Olupelumi; Adegboye Oyelola A; Adekanmbi Victor; Adewuyi Habeeb Omoponle; Adnani Qorinah Estiningtyas Sakilah; Adzigbli Leticia Akua; Afaghi Siamak; Afolabi Aanuoluwapo Adeyimika; Afzal Muhammad Sohail; Gaál Péter; Joó Tamás; Gajdács Márió; Kollaborációs szervezet: GDB 2021 Tobacco Forecasting Collabortors: Forecasting the effects of smoking prevalence scenarios on years of life lost and life expectancy from 2022 to 2050: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021.
LANCET PUBLIC HEALTH, 9 (10). e729-e744. ISSN 2468-2667 (2024)


Comfort Haley; McHugh Theresa A.; Schumacher Austin E.; Harris Ashley; May Erin A.; Paulson Katherine R.; Gardner William M.; Fuller John E.; Frisch Meghan E.; Taylor Heather Jean; Leever Andrew T.; Teply Corey; Verghese Nicholas Alexander; Alam Tahiya; Gajdács Márió; Kollaborációs szervezet: GBD 2021 Global Stillbirths Collaborators: Global, regional, and national stillbirths at 20 weeks' gestation or longer in 204 countries and territories, 1990-2021: findings from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021.
LANCET, 404 (10466). pp. 1955-1988. ISSN 0140-6736 (2024)


ElAziz Rawda H Abd; ElAziz Sherifa A Abd; ElAziz Possy M Abd; Fráter Márk Tibor; Vallittu Pekka K; Lassila Lippo; Garoushi Sufyan: Clinical evaluation of posterior flowable short fiber-reinforced composite restorations without proximal surface coverage.
ODONTOLOGY, 112 (4). pp. 1274-1283. ISSN 1618-1247 (2024)


Fráter Márk Tibor; Grosz János; Jakab András Gábor; Braunitzer Gábor; Tarjányi Tamás; Gulyás Gábor; Bali Krisztián; Villa-Machado Paula Andrea; Garoushi Sufyan; Forster András: Evaluation of microhardness of short fiber-reinforced composites inside the root canal after different light curing methods – An in vitro study.


Gajdács Márió; Jamshed Shazia: Editorial: Knowledge, attitude and practices of the public and healthcare-professionals towards sustainable use of antimicrobials: the intersection of pharmacology and social medicine.
Frontiers in Antibiotics, 3. ISSN 2813-2467 (2024)

Gajdács Márió; Matuz Mária; Benkő Ria; Pető Zoltán; Hajdú Edit: Correlation between Stenotrophomonas maltophilia incidence and systemic antibiotic use: A 10-year retrospective, observational study in Hungary.

Garoushi Sufyan; Säilynoja Eija; Fráter Márk Tibor; Keulemans Filip; Vallittu Pekka K.; Lassila Lippo: A comparative evaluation of commercially available short fiber-reinforced composites.
BMC ORAL HEALTH, 24. ISSN 1472-6831 (2024)


Jakab András Gábor; Palkovics Dániel; T. Szabó Veronika; Szabó Balázs; Vincze-Bandi Eszter; Braunitzer Gábor; Lassila Lippo; Vallittu Pekka; Garoushi Sufyan; Fráter Márk Tibor: Mechanical Performance of Extensive Restorations Made with Short Fiber-Reinforced Composites without Coverage: A Systematic Review of In Vitro Studies.
POLYMERS, 16 (5). ISSN 2073-4360 (2024)

Jakab András Gábor; Vánkay Kata Lilla; Tarjányi Tamás; Gulyás Gábor; Bali Krisztián; Dézsi Pál Patrik; Sámi Márton; Fráter Márk Tibor: Üvegszálas fogászati kompozit tömőanyag keménysége a gyökércsatornában: nanoindentációs vizsgálat [Measuring the hardness via nanoindentation of a fiber-reinforced dental composite in the root canal].
FOGORVOSI SZEMLE, 117 (2). pp. 47-52. ISSN 0015-5314 (2024)


Kasanga Maisa; Gajdács Márió; Muleya Walter; Ikhimiukor Odion O.; Mudenda Steward; Kasanga Maika; Chizimu Joseph; Shempela Doreen Mainza; Solochi Benjamin Bisesa; Mwikisa Mark John; Yamba Kaunda; Andam Cheryl P.; Chanda Raphael; Chanda Duncan; Kwenda Geoffrey: Genotypic Characterisation and Antimicrobial Resistance of Extended-Spectrum β-Lactamase-Producing Escherichia coli in Humans, Animals, and the Environment from Lusaka, Zambia: Public Health Implications and One Health Surveillance.
ANTIBIOTICS, 13 (10). ISSN 2079-6382 (2024)

Ko Young-Chang; Lee Jungwon; Urbán István András; Seol Yang-Jo; Lee Yong-Moo; Koo Ki-Tae: The adjunctive effect of polydeoxyribonucleotide on bone formation in alveolar ridge preservation: A pre-clinical in vivo study.
JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PERIODONTOLOGY, 51 (8). pp. 1034-1043. ISSN 0303-6979 (2024)

Kollaborációs szervezet: GBD 2021 Risk Factors Collaborators; et al.: Global burden and strength of evidence for 88 risk factors in 204 countries and 811 subnational locations, 1990-2021 : a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021.
LANCET, 403 (10440). pp. 2162-2203. ISSN 0140-6736 (2024)

Kupai Krisztina; Kang Hsu Lin; Pósa Anikó; Csonka Ákos; Várkonyi Tamás; Valkusz Zsuzsanna: Bone Loss in Diabetes Mellitus: Diaporosis.

Kushkevych Ivan; Martínková Kristýna; Mráková Lenka; Giudici Francesco; Baldi Simone; Novak David; Gajdács Márió; Vítězová Monika; Dordevic Dani; Amedei Amedeo; Rittmann Simon K.-M. R.: Comparison of microbial communities and the profile of sulfate-reducing bacteria in patients with ulcerative colitis and their association with bowel diseases: a pilot study.
MICROBIAL CELL, 11. pp. 79-89. ISSN 2311-2638 (2024)


Lászlófy Csaba; Gyorgy Fazekas; Baráth Zoltán Lajos; Vajó Zoltán: Evaluation of Vaccine Immunogenicity—Correlates to Real-World Protection: Influenza.
VIRUSES, 16 (3). ISSN 1999-4915 (2024)


Mikáczó Angéla; Papp Csaba Sándor; Erdei Tamás Dániel; Pósa Anikó; Zahuczky Gábor; Varga Csaba; Szabó János; Gesztelyi Rudolf; Szilasi Mária; Zsuga Judit: Association of monoaminergic gene polymorphisms in chronic inflammatory pulmonary disease patients with successful smoking cessation.
BMC PULMONARY MEDICINE, 24 (1). ISSN 1471-2466 (2024)


Naghavi Mohsen; Vollset Stein Emil; Ikuta Kevin S.; Swetschinski Lucien R.; Gray Authia; Wool Eve E.; Aguilar Gisela Robles; Mestrovic Tomislav; Smith Georgia; Han Chieh; Hsu Rebecca L.; Chalek Julian; Araki Daniel T.; Gajdács Márió; Joó Tamás; Kollaborációs szervezet: GBD 2021 Antimicrobial Resistance Collaborators: Global burden of bacterial antimicrobial resistance 1990-2021: a systematic analysis with forecasts to 2050.
LANCET, 404 (10459). pp. 1199-1226. ISSN 0140-6736 (2024)

Néma Viktória; Kunsági-Máté Sándor; Őri Zsuzsanna Emese; Kiss Tamás; Szabó Péter; Szalma József; Fráter Márk Tibor; Lempel Edina: Relation between internal adaptation and degree of conversion of short-fiber reinforced resin composites applied in bulk or layered technique in deep MOD cavities.
DENTAL MATERIALS, 40 (4). pp. 581-592. ISSN 0109-5641 (2024)


Pallós Péter; Gajdács Márió; Zsoldiné Urbán Edit; Szabados Yvett; Szalai Klaudia; Hevesi Lívia; Horváth Anna; Kuklis Anna; Morjaria Devina; Iffat Wajiha; Hetta Helal F.; Piredda Nicola; Donadu Matthew Gavino: Characterization of antibiotic and disinfectant susceptibility in biofilm-forming Acinetobacter baumannii: A focus on environmental isolates.

Papp Klaudia; Piros István Attila; Deák Bálint: High quality geometric reconstruction of human mandible.
MM Science Journal, 2024 (Spec. Issue). pp. 7664-7670. ISSN 1803-1269 (2024)

Pozzi Alessandro; Agliardi Enrico; Lio Fabrizio; Nagy Katalin; Nardi Alessandra; Arcuri Lorenzo: Accuracy of intraoral optical scan versus stereophotogrammetry for complete-arch digital implant impression: An in vitro study.
JOURNAL OF PROSTHODONTIC RESEARCH, 68 (1). pp. 172-180. ISSN 1883-1958 (2024)


Rajnics Zsolt; Pammer Dávid; Kőnigné Péter Anikó; Turzó Kinga Mónika; Marada Gyula; Radnai Márta: Push-Out Bond Strength of Glass Fiber Endodontic Posts with Different Diameters.
MATERIALS, 17 (7). ISSN 1996-1944 (2024)


Sadid‐Zadeh Ramtin; Lin Kevin; Li Rui; Nagy Katalin: Fracture strength of screw‐retained zirconia crowns assembled on zirconia and titanium implants.

Saleh Muhammad H. A.; Dias Debora R.; Mandil Obada; Oliveira Ricardo P. de; Alrmali Abdusalam; Araújo Maurício G.; Wang Hom‐Lay; Baráth Zoltán Lajos; Urbán István András: Influence of residual pockets on periodontal tooth loss: a retrospective analysis.
JOURNAL OF PERIODONTOLOGY, 95 (5). pp. 444-455. ISSN 0022-3492 (2024)

Samana Malik; Sadia Shakeel; Mahnoor Asad; Suresh Shanmugham; Godóné Szabó Zita Lívia; Gajdács Márió; Shazia Jamshed: Validity and Execution of Stress Ulcer Prophylaxis in Surgical Patients: A Single-Center, Retrospective Cohort Analysis in Islamabad, Pakistan.
South Eastern European Journal of Public Health, 25. pp. 816-821. ISSN 2197-5248 (2024)

Steigmann Larissa; Kačarević Željka Perić; Khoury Jessica; Nagy Katalin; Feres Magda: Integration of precision medicine into the dental care setting.
Frontiers in Dental Medicine, 5. ISSN 2673-4915 (2024)

Sundas Aniqa; Azhar Saira; Ahmed Jahanzaib; Chaudhry Bakhtawar; Gajdács Márió; Jamshed Shazia: Knowledge, attitudes and practices of pregnant women regarding urinary tract infections living in peripheral areas of Pakistan: A questionnaire-based cross-sectional study.

Szabó Balázs; Néma Viktória; Jakab András Gábor; Braunitzer Gábor; Palkovics Dániel; Fráter Márk Tibor: Individualized, 3D printed matrices for the reconstruction of severely destructed teeth with subgingival margin—case series and proof of concept.
APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL, 14 (23). ISSN 2076-3417 (2024)


Tomášik Juraj; Zsoldos Márton; Majdáková Kristína; Fleischmann Alexander; Oravcová Ľubica; Sónak Ballová Dominika; Thurzo Andrej: The Potential of AI-Powered Face Enhancement Technologies in Face-Driven Orthodontic Treatment Planning.
APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL, 14 (17). ISSN 2076-3417 (2024)

Tomášik Juraj; Zsoldos Márton; Oravcová Ľubica; Lifková Michaela; Pavleová Gabriela; Strunga Martin; Thurzo Andrej: AI and face-driven orthodontics: a scoping review of digital advances in diagnosis and treatment planning.
AI, 5 (1). pp. 158-176. ISSN 2673-2688 (2024)


Urban Istvan A; Mirsky Nicholas; Serroni Matteo; Tovar Nick; Nayak Vasudev Vivekanand; Witek Lukasz; Marin Charles; Saleh Muhammed; Ravidà Andrea; Baczkó István; Parkanyi Laszlo; Nagy Katalin; Coelho Paulo G: Elucidating the Benefit of Perforated vs Non-Perforated Membranes in Guided Bone Regeneration : An in Vivo Histologic Evaluation and Histomorphometric Analysis.


Vajó Zoltán; Lászlófy Csaba: Developing correlates of protection for vaccines is needed more than ever—influenza, COVID-19 and RSV infection.
VIRUSES, 16 (11). ISSN 1999-4915 (2024)

Vályi Péter; Wirth Roland; Minárovits János; Strang Orsolya; Maróti Gergely; Kovács Kornél Lajos: The oral microbiome of a family including Papillon-Lefèvre-syndrome patients and clinically healthy members.
BMC ORAL HEALTH, 24 (1). ISSN 1472-6831 (2024)

A lista elkészítésének dátuma 2025. március 28. 18:41:28 CET.