Berkó András; Erdőhelyi András; Kiss János:
Planar model system and heterogeneous catalysis.
Catalysis Today, 181 (1).
p. 1.
ISSN 0920-5861
Gérard T.; Tóth Tamara; Grosfils P.; Horváth Dezső; De Wit Anne; Tóth Ágota:
Hot spots in density fingering of exothermic autocatalytic chemical fronts.
Physical Review E, 86 (1).
Terjedelem: 21 p.-Azonosító: 016322.
ISSN 1539-3755
Kiss János; Oszkó Albert; Pótári Gábor; Erdőhelyi András:
Role of the nature of support on the structure of Au-Rh bimetallic nanoparticles.
Vacuum, 86 (6).
pp. 594-598.
ISSN 0042207X
Kiss János; Óvári László; Oszkó Albert Zoltán; Pótári Gábor; Tóth Mariann; Baán Kornélia; Erdőhelyi András:
Structure and reactivity of Au-Rh bimetallic clusters on titanate nanowires, nanotubes and TiO2(110).
Catalysis Today, 181 (1).
pp. 163-170.
ISSN 0920-5861
Pópity-Tóth Éva Szilvia; Horváth Dezső; Tóth Ágota:
Horizontally propagating three-dimensional chemo-hydrodynamic patterns in the chlorite-tetrathionate reaction.
Chaos, 22 (3).
Terjedelem: 21 p.-Azonosító: 037105.
ISSN 1054-1500
Schuszter Gábor; Horváth Dezső; Tóth Ágota:
Convective instabilities of chemical fronts in close-packed porous media.
Chemical Physics Letters, 546.
pp. 63-66.
ISSN 0009-2614
Tóth Mariann; Kiss János; Oszkó Albert; Pótári Gábor; László Balázs:
Hydrogenation of carbon dioxide on Rh, Au and Au-Rh bimetallic clusters supported on titanate nanotubes, nanowires and TiO2.
Topics in Catalysis, 55 (11-13).
pp. 747-756.
ISSN 1022-5528