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Találatok száma: 49.

Tolnai József; Ballók Bence; Südy Roberta; Schranc Álmos; Varga Gabriella; Babik Barna; Fodor Gergely H.; Peták Ferenc: Changes in lung mechanics and ventilation-perfusion match: comparison of pulmonary air- and thromboembolism in rats.
BMC PULMONARY MEDICINE, 24 (1). ISSN 1471-2466 (2024)

Ugocsai Melinda; Bársony Anett; Varga Réka A.; Gajda Ámos; Vida Noémi; Lajkó Norbert; Rónaszéki Benedek; Tóth Gábor; Boros Mihály; Érces Dániel; Varga Gabriella: Conjugation with Tris Decreases the Risk of Ketoprofen-Induced Mucosal Damage and Reduces Inflammation-Associated Methane Production in a Rat Model of Colitis.
PHARMACEUTICS, 15 (9). ISSN 1999-4923 (2023)

Juhász László; Tallósy Szabolcs Péter; Nászai Anna; Varga Gabriella; Érces Dániel; Boros Mihály: Bioactivity of Inhaled Methane and Interactions With Other Biological Gases.
FRONTIERS IN CELL AND DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY, 9. Terjedelem: 8-Azonosító: 824749. ISSN 2296-634X (2022)

Baráth Bálint; Jász Dávid K.; Horváth Tamara; Baráth Bence; Maróti Gergely; Strifler Gerda; Varga Gabriella; Sándor Lilla; Perényi Domonkos; Tallósy Szabolcs Péter; Donka Tibor; Jávor Péter János; Boros Mihály; Hartmann Petra: Mitochondrial Side Effects of Surgical Prophylactic Antibiotics Ceftriaxone and Rifaximin Lead to Bowel Mucosal Damage.
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES, 23 (9). Azonosító: 5064-Terjedelem: 17 p.. ISSN 1661-6596 (2022)

Rutai Attila; Zsikai Bettina; Tallósy Szabolcs Péter; Érces Dániel; Bizánc Lajos; Juhász László; Poles Marietta Zita; Sóki József; Baaity Zain; Fejes Roland; Varga Gabriella; Földesi Imre; Burián Katalin; Szabó Andrea; Boros Mihály; Kaszaki József: A Porcine Sepsis Model With Numerical Scoring for Early Prediction of Severity.
FRONTIERS IN MEDICINE, 9. Terjedelem: 15 p.-Azonosító: 867796. ISSN 2296-858X (2022)

Urbán Dániel; Varga Gabriella; Érces Dániel; Marei M.; Cervellione R.; Keene David; Goyal Anju; Cserni Tamás: Prolonged ischemia of the ileum and colon after surgical mucosectomy explains contraction and failure of “mucus free” bladder augmentation.
JOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC UROLOGY, 18. 500.e1-500.e6. ISSN 1477-5131 (2022)

Szabó-Biczók Antal; Varga Gabriella; Varga Zoltán; Bari Gábor; Vigyikán Gyöngyvér; Gajda Ámos; Vida Noémi; Hodoniczki Ádám; Rutai Attila; Juhász László; Nászai Anna; Gyöngyösi Máté; Turkevi-Nagy Sándor; Érces Dániel; Boros Mihály: Veno-Venous Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation in Minipigs as a Robust Tool to Model Acute Kidney Injury: Technical Notes and Characteristics.
FRONTIERS IN MEDICINE, 9. Terjedelem: 12 p.-Azonosító: 866667. ISSN 2296-858X (2022)

Urbán Dániel; Cserni Tamás; Boros Mihály; Juhász Árpád; Érces Dániel; Varga Gabriella: Bladder augmentation from an insider’s perspective: a review of the literature on microcirculatory studies.
INTERNATIONAL UROLOGY AND NEPHROLOGY, 53 (11). pp. 2221-2230. ISSN 0301-1623 (2021)

Balla Zsolt; Kormányos Eszter Sára; Kui Balázs; Bálint Emese Réka; Fűr Gabriella; Orján Erik Márk; Iványi Béla; Vécsei László; Fülöp Ferenc; Varga Gabriella; Harazin András; Tubak Vilmos; Deli Mária Anna; Papp Csaba Gergő; Gácser Attila; Madácsy Tamara; Venglovecz Viktória; Maléth József; Hegyi Péter; Kiss Lóránd; Rakonczay Zoltán, ifj.: Kynurenic acid and its analogue SZR-72 ameliorate the severity of experimental acute necrotizing pancreatitis.
FRONTIERS IN IMMUNOLOGY, 12. ISSN 1664-3224 (2021)

Cserni Tamás; Urban Dániel; Hajnal Dániel; Érces Dániel; Varga Gabriella; Nagy András; Cserni Márton; Marei Mahmoud Marei; Hennayake Supul; Kubiak Rainer: Pyeloureteric magnetic anastomosis device to simplify laparoscopic pyeloplasty: a proof-of-concept study.
BJU INTERNATIONAL, 127 (4). pp. 409-411. ISSN 1464-4096 (2021)

Jász Dávid Kurszán; Szilágyi Ágnes Lilla; Tuboly Eszter; Baráth Bálint; Márton Anett Roxána; Varga Petra; Varga Gabriella; Érces Dániel; Mohácsi Árpád; Szabó Anna; Bozó Renáta; Gömöri Kamilla; Görbe Anikó; Boros Mihály; Hartmann Petra: Reduction in hypoxia-reoxygenation-induced myocardial mitochondrial damage with exogenous methane.
JOURNAL OF CELLULAR AND MOLECULAR MEDICINE, 25 (11). pp. 5113-5123. ISSN 1582-1838 (2021)

Bársony Anett; Vida Noémi; Gajda Ámos; Rutai Attila; Mohácsi Árpád; Szabó Anna; Boros Mihály; Varga Gabriella; Érces Dániel: Methane Exhalation Can Monitor the Microcirculatory Changes of the Intestinal Mucosa in a Large Animal Model of Hemorrhage and Fluid Resuscitation.
FRONTIERS IN MEDICINE, 7. Azonosító: 567260-Terjedelem: 11 p. ISSN 2296-858X (2020)

Urbán Dániel; Marei Mahmoud Marei; Hajnal Dániel; Varga Gabriella; Érces Dániel; Poles Marietta Zita; Imre Dániel; Szabó Anikó; Cervellione Raimondo Maxillian; Cserni Tamás: Mucosectomy disrupting enteric nervous system causes contraction and shrinkage of gastro-intestinal flaps: Potential implications for augmentation cystoplasty.
JOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC UROLOGY, 16 (1). pp. 20-26. ISSN 1477-5131 (2020)

Szűcs Szilárd; Bari Gábor; Ugocsai Melinda; Lashkarivand Reza Ali; Lajkó Norbert; Mohácsi Árpád; Szabó Anna; Kaszaki József; Boros Mihály; Érces Dániel; Varga Gabriella: Detection of intestinal tissue perfusion by real-time breath methane analysis in rat and pig models of mesenteric circulatory distress.
CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE, 47 (5). e404-e411. ISSN 0090-3493 (2019)

Bari Gábor; Érces Dániel; Varga Gabriella; Szűcs Szilárd; Varga Zoltán; Bogáts Gábor; Boros Mihály: Methane inhalation reduces the systemic inflammatory response in a large animal model of extracorporeal circulation.
EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CARDIO-THORACIC SURGERY, 56 (1). pp. 135-142. ISSN 1010-7940 (2019)

Varga Gabriella; Ugocsai Melinda; Hartmann Petra; Lajkó Norbert; Molnár Réka; Szűcs Szilárd; Jász Kurszán Dávid; Érces Dániel; Ghyczy Miklós; Tóth Gábor; Boros Mihály: Acetylsalicylic acid-tris-hydroxymethyl-aminomethane reduces colon mucosal damage without causing gastric side effects in a rat model of colitis.
INFLAMMOPHARMACOLOGY, 26. pp. 261-271. ISSN 0925-4692 (2018)

Bari Gábor; Szűcs Szilárd; Érces Dániel; Boros Mihály; Varga Gabriella: Experimental pericardial tamponade-translation of a clinical problem to its large animal model.
TURKISH JOURNAL OF SURGERY, 34 (3). pp. 205-211. ISSN 2564-6850 (2018)

Barski Dimitri; Gerullis Holger; Thorsten Ecke; Varga Gabriella; Boros Mihály; Pintelon Isabel; Timmermans Jean-Pierre; Otto Thomas: Human amniotic membrane dressing for the treatment of an infected wound due to an entero-cutaneous fistula: case report.

Bari Gábor; Érces Dániel; Varga Gabriella; Szűcs Szilárd; Bogáts Gábor: Pathophysiology, clinical and experimental possibilities of pericardial tamponade.
ORVOSI HETILAP, 159 (5). pp. 163-167. ISSN 0030-6002 (2018)

Poles Marietta Zita; Bódi Nikolett; Bagyánszki Mária; Fekete Éva; Mészáros András; Varga Gabriella; Szűcs Szilárd; Nászai Anna; Kiss Liliána; Kozlov Andrey V.; Boros Mihály; Kaszaki József: Reduction of nitrosative stress by methane: neuroprotection through xanthine oxidoreductase inhibition in a rat model of mesenteric ischemia-reperfusion.
FREE RADICAL BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE, 120. pp. 160-169. ISSN 0891-5849 (2018)

Barski Dimitri; Gerullis Holger; Ecke Thorsten; Yang Jin; Varga Gabriella; Boros Mihály; Pintelon Isabel; Timmermans Jean-Pierre; Otto Thomas: Bladder Reconstruction with Human Amniotic Membrane in a Xenograft Rat Model: A Preclinical Study.
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES, 14 (4). pp. 310-318. ISSN 1449-1907 (2017)

Barski Dimitri; Gerullis Holger; Ecke Thorsten; Varga Gabriella; Boros Mihály; Pintelon Isabel; Timmermans Jean-Pierre; Otto Thomas: Human amniotic membrane is not suitable for the grafting of colon lesions and prevention of adhesions in a xenograft rat model.
SURGICAL INNOVATION, 24 (4). pp. 313-320. ISSN 1553-3506 (2017)

Mészáros András; Büki Tamás; Fazekas Borbála; Tuboly Eszter; Horváth Kitti; Poles Marietta Zita; Szűcs Szilárd; Varga Gabriella; Kaszaki József; Boros Mihály: Inhalation of methane preserves the epithelial barrier during ischemia and reperfusion in the rat small intestine.
SURGERY, 161 (6). pp. 1696-1709. ISSN 0039-6060 (2017)

Nógrády Miklós; Varga Gabriella; Szűcs Szilárd; Kaszaki József; Boros Mihály; Érces Dániel: Komplement C5a-antagonista-terápia hatása nem okklúzív mesenterialis ischaemia állatmodelljeiben = Effects of complement C5a inhibitor therapy in animal models of non-occlusive mesenteric ischemia.
MAGYAR SEBÉSZET, 70 (3). pp. 221-231. ISSN 0025-0295 (2017)

Mészáros András; Szilágyi Ágnes; Juhász László; Tuboly Eszter; Érces Dániel; Varga Gabriella; Hartmann Petra: Mitochondria As Sources and Targets of Methane.
FRONTIERS IN MEDICINE, 4. Azonosító: 195-Terjedelem: 7 p.. (2017)

Cervellione Raimondo Maxillian; Hajnal Dániel; Varga Gabriella; Rakoczy George; Kaszaki József; Keene David; Goyal Anju; Dickson Alan P.; Cserni Tamás: Mucosectomy impairs ileal microcirculation and results in flap contraction after experimental ileocystoplasty.
JOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC UROLOGY, 13 (1). 81e1-81e5. ISSN 1477-5131 (2017)

Bari Gábor; Szűcs Szilárd; Érces Dániel; Ugocsai Melinda; Bozsó Noémi; Balog Dóra; Boros Mihály; Varga Gabriella: A cardiogen sokk modellezése pericardialis tamponáddal.
MAGYAR SEBÉSZET, 70 (4). pp. 297-302. ISSN 0025-0295 (2017)

Tuboly Eszter; Futakuchi Mitsuru; Varga Gabriella; Érces Dániel; Tőkés Tünde; Mészáros András; Kaszaki József; Suzuiki Masumi; Imai Masaki; Okada Alan; Okada Noriko; Boros Mihály; Okada Hidechika: C5a inhibitor protects ischemia/reperfusion injury in rat small intestine.
MICROBIOLOGY AND IMMUNOLOGY, 60 (1). pp. 35-46. ISSN 0385-5600 (2016)

Érces Dániel; Nógrády Miklós; Varga Gabriella; Szűcs Szilárd; Mészáros András; Fischer-Szatmari Tamás; Cao Chun; Okada Noriko; Okada Hidechika; Boros Mihály; Kaszaki József: Complement C5a inhibition improves late hemodynamic and inflammatory changes in a rat model of nonocclusive mesenteric ischemia.
SURGERY, 159 (3). pp. 960-971. ISSN 0039-6060 (2016)

Cervellione Raimondo Maxillian; Varga Gabriella; Hajnal Dániel; Érces Dániel; Kaszaki József; Harwood Rachel; Rakoczy George; Cserni Tamás: Intestinal Intramural Vascular Anastomoses.
JOURNAL OF INVESTIGATIVE SURGERY, 29 (1). pp. 51-56. ISSN 0894-1939 (2016)

Varga Gabriella; Lajkó Norbert; Ugocsai Melinda; Érces Dániel; Horváth Gyöngyi; Tóth Gábor; Boros Mihály; Ghyczy Miklós: Reduced mucosal side-effects of acetylsalicylic acid after conjugation with tris-hydroxymethyl-aminomethane. Synthesis and biological evaluation of a new anti-inflammatory compound.
EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGY, 781. pp. 181-189. ISSN 0014-2999 (2016)

Cserni Tamás; Cervellione Raimondo M.; Hajnal Dániel; Varga Gabriella; Kubiak Rainer; Rakoczy George; Kaszaki József; Boros Mihály; Goyal Anubha; Dickson Alan P.: Alternative ileal flap for bladder augmentation if mesentery is short.
JOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC UROLOGY, 11 (2). 64.e1-64.e6. ISSN 1477-5131 (2015)

Tánczos Krisztián; Németh Márton Ferenc; Trásy Domonkos; László Ildikó; Palágyi Péter; Szabó Zsolt; Varga Gabriella; Kaszaki József: Goal-directed resuscitation aiming cardiac index masks residual hypovolemia: an animal experiment.
BIOMED RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL, 2015. [Terjedelem: 8 p.]-[Azonosító: 160979]. ISSN 2314-6133 (2015)

Turóczi Zsolt; Fülöp András; Czigány Zoltán; Varga Gabriella; Rosero Oliver; Tőkés Tünde; Kaszaki József; Lotz Gábor; Harsányi László; Szijártó Attila: Improvement of small intestinal microcirculation by postconditioning after lower limb ischemia.
MICROVASCULAR RESEARCH, 98. pp. 119-125. ISSN 0026-2862 (2015)

Cervellione Raimondo M.; Hajnal Dániel; Varga Gabriella; Rakoczy George; Kubiak Rainer; Kaszaki József; Boros Mihály; Harwood Rachel; Dickson Alan P.; Cserni Tamás: New alternative Mitrofanoff channel based on spiral intestinal lengthening and tailoring.
JOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC UROLOGY, 11 (3). 131e1-131e5. ISSN 1477-5131 (2015)

Tőkés Tünde; Tuboly Eszter; Varga Gabriella; Majoros László; Ghyczy Miklós; Kaszaki József; Boros Mihály: Protective effects of l-alpha-glycerylphosphorylcholine on ischaemia-reperfusion-induced inflammatory reactions.
EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NUTRITION, 54 (1). pp. 109-118. ISSN 1436-6207 (2015)

Barski Dimitri; Gerullis Holger; Ecke Thorsten; Varga Gabriella; Boros Mihály; Pintelon Isabel; Timmermans Jean-Pierre; Winter Alexander; Bagner Jens-Willem; Otto Thomas: Repair of a vesico-vaginal fistula with amniotic membrane – Step 1 of the IDEAL recommendations of surgical innovation.
CENTRAL EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF UROLOGY, 68 (4). pp. 459-461. ISSN 2080-4806 (2015)

Tőkés Tünde; Varga Gabriella; Garab Dénes; Nagy Zoltán; Fekete Gábor; Tuboly Eszter; Plangár Imola; Mán Imola; Szabó Emilia; Szabó Zoltán; Volford Gábor; Ghyczy Miklós; Kaszaki József; Boros Mihály; Hideghéty Katalin: Peripheral inflammatory activation after hippocampus irradiation in the rat.

Cserni Tamás; Varga Gabriella; Érces Dániel; Kaszaki József; Biszku Beáta; Guthy Ildikó; László Ágnes; Dicső Ferenc; Bianchi Adrian; Morabito Antonino; Rákóczy György: Új bélhosszabbító műtéti technika – az ötlettől a klinikumig.
MAGYAR SEBÉSZET, 67 (6). pp. 323-328. ISSN 0025-0295 (2014)

Kovács Tamás; Varga Gabriella; Érces Dániel; Tőkés Tünde; Tiszlavicz László; Ghyczy Miklós; Boros Mihály; Kaszaki József: Dietary phosphatidylcholine supplementation attenuates inflammatory mucosal damage in a rat model of experimental colitis.
SHOCK, 38 (2). pp. 177-185. ISSN 1073-2322 (2012)

Kaszaki József; Érces Dániel; Varga Gabriella; Szabó Andrea; Vécsei László; Boros Mihály: Kynurenines and intestinal neurotransmission: the role of N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors.
Journal of Neural Transmission, 119 (2). pp. 211-223. ISSN 0300-9564 (2012)

Érces Dániel; Varga Gabriella; Fazekas Borbála; Kovács Tamás; Tőkés Tünde; Tiszlavicz László; Fülöp Ferenc; Vécsei László; Boros Mihály; Kaszaki József: N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor antagonist therapy suppresses colon motility and inflammatory activation six days after the onset of experimental colitis in rats.
European Journal of Pharmacology, 691 (1-3). pp. 225-234. ISSN 0014-2999 (2012)

Kovács Tamás; Varga Gabriella; Érces Dániel; Tőkés Tünde; Tiszlavicz László; Ghyczy Miklós; Vécsei László; Boros Mihály; Kaszaki József: Terápiás lehetőségek a gyulladásos bélbetegség állatkísérletes modelljében – összehasonlító vizsgálat [Comparative study of novel therapeutic possibilities in animal experimental model of inflammatory bowel disease].
MAGYAR SEBÉSZET, 65 (4). pp. 191-197. ISSN 0025-0295 (2012)

Érces Dániel; Varga Gabriella; Szilágyi Ágnes; Fülöp Ferenc; Vécsei László; Boros Mihály; Kaszaki József: N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor antagonist therapy in experimental colitis.
In: Functional and motility disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. Proceedings of the Humboldt Kolleg NeurogastRO 2011. 3rd International Symposium of Neurogastroenterology. Iasi, 2011. Editura Medicala Universitara Iuliu Hatieganu, Cluj-Napoca, pp. 41-49. (2011) ISBN 978-973-693-457-5

Cserni Tamás; Takayasu Hajime; Muzsnay Zoltán; Varga Gabriella; Murphy Fiona; Folaranmi Semiu Eniola; Rákóczy György: New idea of intestinal lengthening and tailoring.
Pediatric Surgery International, 27 (9). pp. 1009-1013. ISSN 0179-0358 (2011)

Szabó Andrea; Hartmann Petra; Varga Renáta; Jánvári Kristóf; Lendvai Zsanett; Szalai Irén; Gomez Izabella; Varga Gabriella; Greksa Ferenc; Németh István Balázs; Rázga Zsolt; Keresztes Margit; Garab Dénes; Boros Mihály: Periosteal microcirculatory action of chronic estrogen supplementation in osteoporotic rats challenged with tourniquet ischemia.
Life Sciences, 88 (3-4). pp. 156-162. ISSN ISSN: 0024-3205 (2011)

Tőkés Tünde; Erős Gábor; Bebes Attila; Hartmann Petra; Várszegi Szilvia; Varga Gabriella; Kaszaki József; Gulya Károly; Ghyczy Miklós; Boros Mihály: Protective effects of a phosphatidylcholine-enriched diet in lipopolysaccharide-induced experimental neuroinflammation in the rat.
Shock, 36 (5). pp. 458-465. ISSN 1073-2322 (2011)

Varga Gabriella; Érces Dániel; Fazekas Barbara; Fülöp M.; Kovács Tamás; Kaszaki József; Fülöp Ferenc; Vécsei László; Boros Mihály: N-Methyl-d-aspartate receptor antagonism decreases motility and inflammatory activation in the early phase of acute experimental colitis in the rat.
NEUROGASTROENTEROLOGY AND MOTILITY, 22 (2). 217-225+e68. ISSN 1350-1925 (2010)

Kaszaki József; Palásthy Zsolt; Érces Dániel; Rácz A.; Torday Csilla; Varga Gabriella; Vécsei László; Boros Mihály: Kynurenic acid inhibits intestinal hypermotility and xanthine oxidase activity during experimental colon obstruction in dogs.
NEUROGASTROENTEROLOGY AND MOTILITY, 20 (1). pp. 53-62. ISSN 1350-1925 (2008)

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