Kubicek Christian P.; Herrera-Estrella Alfredo; Seidl-Seiboth Verena; Martinez Diego A.; Druzhinina Irina S.; Thon Michael; Zeilinger Susanne; Casas-Flores Sergio; Horwitz Benjamin A.; Mukherjee Prasun K; Mukherjee Mala; Kredics László; Alcaraz Luis D; Aerts Andrea; Antal Zsuzsanna; Atanasova Lea; Cervantes-Badillo Mayte G; Challacombe Jean; Chertkov Olga; McCluskey Kevin; Coulpier Fanny; Deshpande Nandan; Döhren Hans von; Ebbole Daniel J; Esquivel-Naranjo Edgardo U; Fekete Erzsébet; Flipphi Michel; Glaser Fabian; Gómez-Rodríguez Elida Y; Gruber Sabine; Han Cliff; Henrissat Bernard; Hermosa Rosa; Hernández-Oñate Miguel; Karaffa Levente; Kosti Idit; Le Crom Stéphane; Lindquist Erika; Lucas Susan; Lübeck Mette; Lübeck Peter S.; Margeot Antoine; Metz Benjamin; Misra Monica; Nevalainen Helena; Omann Markus; Packer Nicolle; Perrone Giancarlo; Uresti-Rivera Edith E; Salamov Asaf; Schmoll Monika; Seiboth Bernhard; Shapiro Harris; Sukno Serenella; Tamayo-Ramos Juan Antonio; Tisch Doris; Wiest Aric; Wilkinson Heather H; Zhang Michael; Coutinho Pedro M; Kenerley Charles M; Monte Enrique; Baker Scott E; Grigoriev Igor V:
Comparative genome sequence analysis underscores mycoparasitism as the ancestral life style of Trichoderma.
Genome Biology, 12 (4).
Terjedelem: 15 p.-Azonosító: R40.
ISSN 1474-7596
Pankotai Tibor; Popescu Christina; Martinez Diego A.; Grau B; Zsindely Nóra; Bodai László; Tora L; Ferrús A; Boros Imre Miklós:
Genes of the ecdysone biosynthesis pathway are regulated by the dATAC histone acetyltransferase complex in Drosophila.
Molecular and cellular biology, 30 (17).
pp. 4254-4266.
ISSN 1098-5549