Jourdan Tony; Park Joshua K.; Varga Zoltán; Pálóczi János; Coffey Nathan J.; Rosenberg Avi Z.; Godlewski Grzegorz; Cinar Resat; Mackie Ken; Pacher Pal; Kunos George:
Cannabinoid-1 receptor deletion in podocytes mitigates both glomerular and tubular dysfunction in a mouse model of diabetic nephropathy.
Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism, 20 (3).
pp. 698-708.
ISSN 1462-8902
Sousa-Valente Joao; Varga Angelika; Torres Perez Jose Vicente; Jenes Ágnes; Wahba John; Mackie Ken; Cravatt Benjamin; Ueda Natsuo; Tsuboi Kazuhito; Sántha Péter; Jancsó Gábor; Tailor Hiren; Avelino Antonio; Nagy István:
Inflammation of peripheral tissues and injury to peripheral nerves induce diferring effects in the expression of the calcium-sensitive anandamide-synthesising enzyme and related molecules in rat primary sensory neurons.
pp. 1778-1796.
ISSN 0021-9967