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Találatok száma: 57.

Kovács Ágnes Zsófia: The Memory of Architecture in Edith Wharton's Travel Writings.
Routledge research in women's literature (4). Routledge, New York. (2025) ISBN 9781032580265; 9781003442189; 9781032580319

Kovács Ágnes Zsófia: The Production, Circulation, and Reception of Edith Wharton's Travel Writings.
EGER JOURNAL OF ENGLISH STUDIES. ISSN 1786-5638 (2024) (Nyomdában)

Kovács Ágnes Zsófia: The Case of the Harem : Edith Wharton’s Topoi of Oriental Femininity in In Morocco (1920).
In: Further Critical, Theoretical and Analytical Explorations of U.S. Culture, Literature and History. American studies (3). Americana E-Books, Szeged, pp. 75-85. (2023) ISBN 9786155423888; 9786155423871

Kovács Ágnes Zsófia: Commemorative Modernisms : Women Writers, Death, and the First World War.
Edith Wharton Review, 39 (1). pp. 73-78. ISSN 2330-3964 (2023)

Kovács Ágnes Zsófia: Reinscribing Malinche in Contemporary Visual Art: Metaphors of Malinche at the Denver Art Museum exhibition “Traitor, Survivor, Icon: The Legacy of la Malinche" (2022).

Kovács Ágnes Zsófia: Edith Wharton on French Manners in the Context of World War I.
In: Critical Explorations of U.S. Culture, Literature and History. American studies (2). Americana E-Books, Szeged, pp. 80-91. (2022)

Kovács Ágnes Zsófia: Henry James in Contemporary Fiction: The Real Thing by Bethany Layne.
HENRY JAMES REVIEW, 43 (2). E-5-E-10. ISSN 0273-0340 (2022)

Kovács Ágnes Zsófia: A Literary Afterlife : The Figure of Henry James in Colm Tóibín's The Master.
In: Critical Explorations of U.S. Culture, Literature and History. American studies (2). Americana E-Books, Szeged, pp. 81-93. (2022)

Kovács Ágnes Zsófia: Toni Morrison's A Mercy in Hungary: Racialized Discourse in the Classroom.
In: Contemporary American Fiction in the European Classroom: Teaching and Texts. Palgrave Macmillan Ltd, Cham, pp. 15-30. (2022) ISBN 9783030941659; 9783030941666

Kovács Ágnes Zsófia: The Business of Marriage : Clashing American and French Roles for Turn-of-the-century Married Women in Edith Wharton.
In: Revisiting the Past: American Culture in Contemporary Context. Americana eBooks : Szeged Series in American Studies (1). Americana E-Books, Szeged, pp. 92-104. (2021) ISBN 9786155423758

Kovács Ágnes Zsófia: Edith Wharton's Argument with Ruskin.
In: Sentiment, History, and Intermediality. Essays in English and American studies : students and supervisors . JATE Press; Szegedi Egyetemi Kiadó, Szeged, pp. 61-67. (2021) ISBN 9789633154700

Kovács Ágnes Zsófia: Illustrations and the literary marketplace in Edith Wharton's Italian Villas, Fighting France, and In Morocco.
In: Puissance du mode Mineur. Maison des Sciences de l’Homme d'Aquitaine, Pessac, pp. 193-210. (2021) ISBN 9782858926299

Kovács Ágnes Zsófia: Introduction.
In: Sentiment, History, and Intermediality. Essays in English and American studies : students and supervisors . JATE Press; Szegedi Egyetemi Kiadó, Szeged, pp. 7-11. (2021) ISBN 9789633154700

Annus Irén; Kovács Ágnes Zsófia: Introduction.
In: Revisiting the Past: American Culture in Contemporary Context. Americana eBooks : Szeged Series in American Studies (1). Americana E-Books, Szeged, pp. 1-4. (2021) ISBN 9786155423758

Kovács Ágnes Zsófia: Introduction: Edith Wharton’s quest for historical continuity in the Aegean.
In: Osprey Notes. AMERICANA EBooks . Americana E-Books, Szeged, pp. 1-53. (2021) ISBN 9786155423697

Kovács Ágnes Zsófia: Remembering Henry James : Paris, Perspective and Panic in A Small Boy and Others.
In: Revisiting the Past. Americana eBooks : Szeged Series in American Studies (1). Americana E-Books, Szeged, pp. 78-91. (2021) ISBN 9786155423758

Kovács Ágnes Zsófia: Sentiment, History, and Intermediality.
Essays in English and American studies : students and supervisors . JATE Press, Szeged. (2021) ISBN 9789633154700

Kovács Ágnes Zsófia: Wharton Observing Ruskin’s Venice: Edith Wharton’s Journeys into Art History in Italian Backgrounds (1905) and Italian Villas (1904).
In: Art in Urban Space: Reflections on City Culture in Europe and North-America. Károli Könyvek. Tanulmánykötet . Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary; L'Harmattan (Budapest); L'Harmattan Publishing, Budapest, pp. 77-105. (2021) ISBN 9782343230306

Kovács Ágnes Zsófia: "Black is Beautiful": Black Atlantic Experience and the Black Female Body in Toni Morrison's God Help the Child.
In: Transnational Americas: home(s), borders and transgressions. AMERICANA EBooks . Americana E-Books, Szeged, pp. 34-43. (2019) ISBN 9789633066126; 9789633066119; 9789633066102

Kovács Ágnes Zsófia: Edith Wharton’s Views of France 1908-1920.
In: Contemporary Perspectives on Language, Culture and Identity in Anglo-American Contexts. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne, pp. 58-71. (2019) ISBN 9781527538122

Kovács Ágnes Zsófia: The Sentimental Tourist in Rural France: Henry James’s Pictures of History in A Little Tour in France (1884, 1900).
In: Henry James' Travel: Fiction and Non-Fiction. Routledge, London; New York, pp. 29-45. (2019) ISBN 9781138350526

Kovács Ágnes Zsófia: Versions of the African American Past in Toni Morrison.
In: America from Across. Szegedi Tudományegyetem, Szeged, pp. 67-80. (2019) ISBN 9789633066737

Kovács Ágnes Zsófia: Edith Wharton and World War I in the Context of her Nonfiction.
In: Space, Gender and the Gaze in Literature and Art. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne, pp. 148-162. (2017) ISBN 9781443831557

Kovács Ágnes Zsófia: Edith Wharton's Vision of Continuity in Wartime France.
NEOHELICON, 44 (2). pp. 541-562. ISSN 0324-4652 (2017)

Kovács Ágnes Zsófia; Sári B. László: Introduction.
In: Space, Gender and the Gaze in Literature and Art. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne, pp. 10-13. (2017) ISBN 9781443831557

Kovács Ágnes Zsófia: Forms of Attention in Henry James’s Works about Childhood Development.
In: The Arts of Attention. Károli Könyvek. Tanulmánykötet . L'Harmattan (Budapest); L'Harmattan Publishing; KRE, Budapest, pp. 229-236. (2016) ISBN 9782343100029

Kovács Ágnes Zsófia: Signifyin' the Unsayable Past in Toni Morrison's Beloved: The Case of the Newspaper Cutting.

Kovács Ágnes Zsófia: Bewilderments of Vision: Hallucination and Literature, 1880–1914 by Oliver Tearle.
HENRY JAMES REVIEW, 36 (2). E-15-E-18. ISSN 0273-0340 (2015)

Kovács Ágnes Zsófia: Exposed Interiors: Edith Wharton's Reports from France : (1914-15).
In: European Encounters: Language, Culture, and Identity. JATEPress, Szeged, pp. 65-77. (2015) ISBN 9789633152669

Kovács Ágnes Zsófia: James’s Sense of American Civil War in The American Scene.
In: Henry James Goes to War. Dis/Continuities. Toruń Studies in Language, Literature and Culture (5). Lang, New York, Wien, Berlin, Paris, Frankfurt am Main, Bern, pp. 75-90. (2014) ISBN 9783631646014

Kovács Ágnes Zsófia: The Rhetoric of Unreality : Travel Writing and Ethnography in Edith Wharton’s 'In Morocco'.
In: Mobile Narratives: Travel, Migration, and Transculturation. Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Literature (18). Routledge Publishing, New York, London, pp. 58-69. (2014) ISBN 9780415823050; 9781138547988; 9780203487730

Kovács Ágnes Zsófia: Conclusion: What's your method? On the structure of research papers in literature.
In: From Renaissance to Postmodern. Szegedi Tudományegyetem Bölcsészettudományi Kar, Szeged, pp. 167-169. (2013) ISBN 9789633062142

Kovács Ágnes Zsófia: From Renaissance to Postmodern at the Institute of English and American Studies: prizewinning essays the OTDK, 2007-2011.
SZTE BTK, Szeged. (2013) ISBN 9789633062142

Kovács Ágnes Zsófia: I for an I : A Partial Preface to A Life Less Damnable.
In: A Life Less Damnable. AMERICANA EBooks . Americana E-Books, Szeged, pp. 7-11. (2013) ISBN 9789638951496

Kovács Ágnes Zsófia: Introduction.
In: From Renaissance to Postmodern at the Institute of English and American Studies: prizewinning essays from the OTDK 2007-2011. Szegedi Tudományegyetem Bölcsészettudományi Kar, Szeged, pp. 7-10. (2013) ISBN 9789633062142

Kovács Ágnes Zsófia: "Eye for an Eye" : The Armchair Detective, January 1997.
In: Költők, kémek, detektívek, pirítós és fordítások : írások Novák György tiszteletére. JATE Press Szegedi Egyetemi Kiadó, Szeged, pp. 43-62. (2012) ISBN 9789633150849

Kovács Ágnes Zsófia: Melancholy Ghosts of the Old South : Henry James' Adventures in the US.
EGER JOURNAL OF AMERICAN STUDIES, 13 (1). pp. 185-200. ISSN 1786-2337 (2012)

Kovács Ágnes Zsófia; Török Ervin: Posztmodernitás, multikulturalizmus, esztétika a XX. századi magyar és angol-amerikai irodalomban és filmben : Tanulmányok az SZTE BTK Irodalom Színház Film tehetséggondozó-műhely alkotásaiból.
JATE BTK, Szeged. (2012) ISBN 9789633061671

Kovács Ágnes Zsófia: "Pym, you bastard, where are you?" : Intertextuality in John le Carré’s A Perfect Spy.
In: Költők, kémek, detektívek, pirítós és fordítások : írások Novák György tiszteletére. JATE Press Szegedi Egyetemi Kiadó, Szeged, pp. 139-156. (2012) ISBN 9789633150849

Kovács Ágnes Zsófia: Sweet Duplicity : Jamesian Moral Ambiguity in Colm Tóibín’s Brooklyn.
In: Mítoszok bűvöletében : ünnepi kötet Virágos Zsolt Kálmán 70. születésnapjára = Enchanted by Myth : a Volume for Virágos Zsolt Kálmán on his 70th Birthday. Debreceni Egyetemi Kiadó, Debrecen, pp. 82-87. (2012) ISBN 9789633182321

Kovács Ágnes Zsófia: Henry James in New York City and Lambert Strether in Paris : The Cultural Aspect of Experience in The American Scene and The Ambassadors.

Kovács Ágnes Zsófia: The Master and the Pupil : Henry James and Colm Tóibín.

Kovács Ágnes Zsófia: Interior Architecture : The Iconography of Culture and Order in Edith Wharton's Nonfiction.
EGER JOURNAL OF AMERICAN STUDIES, 12 (1-2). pp. 367-380. ISSN 1786-2337 (2010)

Kovács Ágnes Zsófia: The Bewilderment of Cultural Hybridity in James's The Ambassadors and The American Scene.
In: Kultúrán innen és túl : írások Rozsnyai Bálint tiszteletére. JATE Press; Szegedi Egyetemi Kiadó, Szeged, pp. 183-194. (2009) ISBN 9789634829768

Kovács Ágnes Zsófia: Edith Warton and the Issue of Race: Kassanoff, Jennie A. Edith Wharton and the Politics of Race.Cambridge: CUP, 2004. 226 p.

Kovács Ágnes Zsófia: Gender as Performance in Henry James: The Role of Portraits in The American.
In: The Iconology of Gender II. Gendered Representations in Cultural Practices. Papers in English and American Studies (15). JATE Press Szegedi Egyetemi Kiadó, Szeged, pp. 37-43. (2008) ISBN 9789634828754

Kovács Ágnes Zsófia: Henry James's Imaginative Project of the New American Novel.
In: Reading America. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne, pp. 8-25. (2008) ISBN 9781443807234

Kovács Ágnes Zsófia: The Function of the Imagination in the Writings of Henry James: The Production of a Civilized Experience.
Hors série . Mellen, Lewiston; Queenston; Lampeter. (2006) ISBN 0773457879; 9780773457874

Kovács Ágnes Zsófia: Henry James’s Experience of New York City in The American Scene.

Kovács Ágnes Zsófia: Remapping the Jamesian Legacy: Toni Morrison's Literary Theory in Context.
EGER JOURNAL OF AMERICAN STUDIES, 9. pp. 61-74. ISSN 1786-2337 (2005)

Kovács Ágnes Zsófia: A képzelőerő szerepe Henry James regényelméletében.
In: Átjárások. FISZ könyvek (37). FISZ, Budapest, pp. 228-251. (2005) ISBN 9637043179

Kovács Ágnes Zsófia: The Social Education of the Imagination in What Maisie Knew.
ALIZES: REVUE ANGLICISTE DE LA REUNION, 23. pp. 129-143. ISSN 1155-4363 (2003)

Kovács Ágnes Zsófia: The Relation of Parisian Manners and Imagination in Henry James's The Ambassadors.
In: East-West American Studies Conference: New European Approaches to American Studies? ZENAF Conference Proceedings (2). ZENAF Zentrum für Nordamerika-Forschung, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt am Main, pp. 70-103. (2002)

Kovács Ágnes Zsófia: Henry James and Postmodernism.
In: PostModern Productions. Discursive Productions: Text-Culture-Society (3). LIT, Hamburg, pp. 131-145. (2001) ISBN 382585762x

Kovács Ágnes Zsófia: The Sacred Fount of Social Art : James Revisited.
ANACHRONIST, 7. pp. 105-119. ISSN 1219-2589 (2001)

Kovács Ágnes Zsófia: Worldliness in Haroun and the Sea of Stories and Midnight's Children.
In: Tales of Two Cities. Anglicana Turkuensia (22). Turun yliopisto, Turku, pp. 101-115. (2000) ISBN 9512917572

Kovács Ágnes Zsófia: Az önolvasó detektívtörténet rejtélye.
In: Az olvasó - az olvasás. Fiatal Írók Szövetsége . FISZ, Budapest, pp. 13-24. (1999) ISBN 9638603801

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