%0 Journal Article
%@ 1424-8220
%A  Pannonhalmi Ádám
%A  Posta Bálint
%A  Perényi Ádám
%A  Rovó László
%A  Bende Balázs
%A  Katona Gábor
%A  Pannonhalminé Csóka Ildikó
%A  Kemény Lajos
%A  Szakács László
%A Gyógyszertechnológiai és Gyógyszerfelügyeleti Intézet SZTE / GYTK GYTGYFI [2016-],
%A Bőrgyógyászati és Allergológiai Klinika SZTE / SZAOK BAK [2002-],
%A Fül-Orr-Gégészeti és Fej-Nyaksebészeti Klinika SZTE / SZAOK FOG-FNYK [2000-],
%D 2025
%F publicatio:35811
%N 3
%T Clinical Validation of a Video-Otoscopy-Based Medical Device for the Remote Diagnosis of Ear Complaints
%U http://publicatio.bibl.u-szeged.hu/35811/
%V 25
%X Telemedicine brings several benefits to patients, healthcare providers, and the wider society, including reductions in the need for hospitalizations or readmissions, as well as in overall healthcare costs and the length of inpatient stay. In addition, these services may provide psychological benefits to patients, including excellent satisfaction and medication adherence. The present study aimed to investigate an in-house-developed otorhinolaryngologic remote diagnostic system (mobile app). The basis of the comparison was the incidence between the diagnoses and therapies made by remote diagnosticians and on-site specialists based on static images and videos captured by a smartphone otoscope device. In the study, 103 patients were involved. After registering demographic data, the telemedicine software was evaluated by comparing the matching of physically established diagnoses and/or therapies with remotely established diagnoses and/or therapies. The most remarkable result was in concordance with the diagnoses, with 79 matches identified of the 103 cases examined; the rate of the matching cases was 76.7% (95% CI: 68.5–84.9%). These results support that telemedicine-based otorhinolaryngological remote diagnostics could play a significant role in future healthcare.
%Z A kutatás a GINOP-2.2.1-15-2017-00073 projekt támogatásával valósult meg.