title: Effects of two different mitochondrial toxins on the spontaneous and evoked cortical activity in rats
creator:  Szabó Andrea
creator:  Pecze László
creator:  Papp András
subject: 03.03. Egészségtudományok
publisher: MTA SZAB
date: 2003
type: Könyv része
type: NonPeerReviewed
format: text
identifier:     Szabó Andrea;  Pecze László;  Papp András: Effects of two different mitochondrial toxins on the spontaneous and evoked cortical activity in rats.    In:  Proceedings of the 10th Symposium on Analytical and Environmental Problems.   MTA SZAB, Szeged, pp. 101-105. (2003)  ISBN 9632128672     
relation: 1294567
language: eng