%0 Journal Article %@ 1357-633X %A Kusuma Ikhwan Yuda %A Pratiwi Hening %A Umami Afriza %A Kurniasih Khamdiyah Indah %A Pitaloka Dian Ayu Eka %A Suherman Suherman %A Juhász Marcell %A Népegészségtani Intézet SZTE / SZAOK NEI [2000-], %D 2023 %F publicatio:27044 %J JOURNAL OF TELEMEDICINE AND TELECARE %N 10 %P 1618-1628 %T Knowledge, perceptions, and readiness of telepharmacy (KPR-TP) questionnaire among pharmacists: Development and psychometric evaluation %U http://publicatio.bibl.u-szeged.hu/27044/ %V 30