title: A tuberkulózis előfordulása egy XVIII. századi váci családban
creator:  Pap Ildikó
creator:  Pálfi György
creator:  Molnár Erika
creator:  Karlinger Kinga
creator:  K. Kovács Balázs
creator:  Szikossy Ildikó
description: Two individuals of the Nigrovits family from the Vác Mummy  Collection of the Hungarian Natural History Museum  were the subjects of multidisciplinary, anthropological,  paleopathological, radiological, paleomicrobiological and paleoproteomic studies. The father, József Nigrovits (No 29),  died at the age of 55 on the 11th of November 1793; his son,  Antal Nigrovits (No 54), died on the 16th of July 1803, at  the age of 22. They lived in the 18th century in a small town of northern  Hungary. The macroscopic examination of body No 54 showed a  severely deformed neck and back region; body No 29 had no characteristic marks of any illnesses. The CT scan data of  the bodies and their 3D reconstructions showed no skeletal  evidence of tuberculosis, despite the positive results of  their paleomicrobiological studies. The deformity of body No  54 turned to be a developmental abnormality of unknown  origin, but no Pott’s gibbus was present.
date: 2017
type: Folyóiratcikk
type: PeerReviewed
format: text
identifier:     Pap Ildikó;  Pálfi György;  Molnár Erika;  Karlinger Kinga;  K. Kovács Balázs;  Szikossy Ildikó: A tuberkulózis előfordulása egy XVIII. századi váci családban.   ANTHROPOLOGIAI KÖZLEMÉNYEK, 58.  pp. 37-47.  ISSN 0003-5440 (2017)     
identifier: doi:10.20330/AnthropKozl.2017.58.37
relation: 3304515
language: hun