%0 Journal Article %@ 1741-427X %A Áy Eva %A Hunyadi Attila %A Mezei Mária %A Minárovits János %A Hohmann Judit %A Természetes Vegyületek Interdiszciplináris Központ SZTE / KE TVIK [2016-], %A Farmakognóziai Intézet SZTE / GYTK FI [2000-], %D 2019 %F publicatio:14980 %J EVIDENCE-BASED COMPLEMENTARY AND ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE %P Paper 1064793-6 p %T Flavonol 7-O-Glucoside Herbacitrin Inhibits HIV-1 Replication through Simultaneous Integrase and Reverse Transcriptase Inhibition %U http://publicatio.bibl.u-szeged.hu/14980/ %V 2019 %X Here we report the evaluation of the antiretroviral effect of two flavonoid 7-O-glucosides, herbacitrin (1) and gossypitrin (2), together with quercetin (3), a well-studied flavonol. Antiviral activity of the flavonoids was assessed by analyzing HIV-1 p24 core protein levels in the supernatants of HIV-1 infected MT-4 and MT-2 cell cultures. The compounds showed mild to weak cytotoxic activities on the host cells; herbacitrin was the strongest in this regard (CC50=27.8 and 63.64 μM on MT-4 and MT-2 cells, respectively). In nontoxic concentrations, herbacitrin and quercetin reduced HIV-1 replication, whereas gossypitrin was ineffective. Herbacitrin was found to inhibit reverse transcriptase at 21.5 μM, while it was a more potent integrase inhibitor already active at 2.15 μM. Therefore, our observations suggest that herbacitrin exerts antiretroviral activity through simultaneously acting on these two targets of HIV-1 and that integrase inhibition might play a major role in this activity. %Z FELTÖLTŐ: Kiss Tivadar kiss.tivadar@pharmacognosy.hu