Nuclear position dictates DNA repair pathway choice

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Figure 3.
Figure 3.

Chromatin decompaction restores DDR and the recruitment of HR factors at the nuclear lamina. Colocalization of the lacO array with γ-H2AX (A), BRCA1 (B), or RAD51 (C) in I-U2OS19 cells expressing GFP-lacI or GFP-lacI-ΔEMD and pretreated for 4 h with DMSO or TSA in the absence or presence of Dox for 14 h or 20 h is shown. The percentage of colocalization of the lacO array with γ-H2AX (D), BRCA1 (E), or RAD51 (F) in I-U2OS19 cells expressing GFP-lacI or GFP-lacI-ΔEMD and cherry-LacI or BRG1-cherry-lacI and treated or not with Dox for 14 h or 20 h is shown. (G) Immunofluorescence single-Z confocal images of γ-H2AX (gray) in I-U2OS19 cells expressing GFP-lacI or GFP-lacI-ΔEMD transfected with cherry-lacI or BRG1-cherry-lacI (red) and treated or not with Dox for 14 h. For statistical analysis, a t-test was performed. (*) P < 0.05; (**) P < 0.01.

This Article

  1. Genes & Dev. 28: 2450-2463

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