Unraveling transcriptome profile, epigenetic dynamics, and morphological changes in psoriasis-like keratinocytes: "Insights into similarity with psoriatic lesional epidermis"

Ghaffarinia Ameneh and Póliska Szilárd and Ayaydin Ferhan and Göblös Anikó and Parvaneh Shahram and Manczinger Máté and Balogh Fanni and Erdei Lilla and Veréb Zoltán and Szabó Kornélia Ágnes and Csörgő Sándorné Bata Zsuzsanna and Kemény Lajos: Unraveling transcriptome profile, epigenetic dynamics, and morphological changes in psoriasis-like keratinocytes: "Insights into similarity with psoriatic lesional epidermis".
CELLS, 12 (24). ISSN 2073-4409 (2023)

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Ghaffarinia Ameneh MTMT
Póliska Szilárd MTMT
Ayaydin Ferhan MTMT
Göblös Anikó MTMT
Parvaneh Shahram MTMT
Manczinger Máté MTMT
Balogh Fanni MTMT
Erdei Lilla MTMT
Veréb Zoltán MTMT
Szabó Kornélia Ágnes MTMT
Csörgő Sándorné Bata Zsuzsanna MTMT
Kemény Lajos MTMT
Item Type: Journal Article
Journal or Publication Title: CELLS
Date: 2023
Volume: 12
Number: 24
Number of Pages: 24
Publication identifier: 2825
ISSN: 2073-4409
Faculty/Unit: Albert Szent-Györgyi Medical School
Institution: Szegedi Tudományegyetem
Language: English
MTMT rekordazonosító: 34432241
DOI azonosító: https://doi.org/10.3390/cells12242825
Date Deposited: 2024. Mar. 13. 08:53
Last Modified: 2024. Mar. 13. 08:53
URI: http://publicatio.bibl.u-szeged.hu/id/eprint/29845
Web of Science® Times Cited: 2 View citing articles in Web of Science®

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