Detection of acute stress by smooth muscle electromyography: A translational study on rat and human

Pribék Ildikó Katalin and Szűcs Kálmán Ferenc and Süle Miklós and Grosz György and Ducza Eszter and Vigh Dóra and Baginé Tóth Erika Hajnalka and Janka Zoltán and Kálmán János and Datki Zsolt László and Gáspár Róbert and Andó Bálint: Detection of acute stress by smooth muscle electromyography: A translational study on rat and human.
LIFE SCIENCES, 277. Terjedelem: 9 p-Azonosító: 119492. ISSN 0024-3205 (2021)

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Pribék Ildikó Katalin MTMT
Szűcs Kálmán Ferenc MTMT
Süle Miklós
Grosz György
Ducza Eszter MTMT
Vigh Dóra
Baginé Tóth Erika Hajnalka MTMT
Janka Zoltán MTMT
Kálmán János MTMT
Datki Zsolt László MTMT
Gáspár Róbert MTMT
Andó Bálint MTMT
Item Type: Journal Article
Journal or Publication Title: LIFE SCIENCES
Date: 2021
Volume: 277
Page Range: Terjedelem: 9 p-Azonosító: 119492
ISSN: 0024-3205
Faculty/Unit: Faculty of Medicine
Institution: University of Szeged (2000-)
Language: English
MTMT rekordazonosító: 31971856
DOI azonosító:
Date Deposited: 2021. Apr. 20. 14:19
Last Modified: 2021. Apr. 20. 14:19
Web of Science® Times Cited: 5 View citing articles in Web of Science®

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