Structural and Functional Hierarchy in Photosynthetic Energy Conversion—from Molecules to Nanostructures

Szabó Tibor and Magyar Melinda and Hajdu Kata and Dorogi Márta and Nyerki Emil and Tóth Tünde and Lingvay Mónika and Garab Győző and Hernádi Klára and Nagy László: Structural and Functional Hierarchy in Photosynthetic Energy Conversion—from Molecules to Nanostructures.
NANOSCALE RESEARCH LETTERS, 10. Terjedelem: 12 p-Azonosító: 458. ISSN 1931-7573 (2015)

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Szabó Tibor MTMT
Magyar Melinda MTMT
Hajdu Kata MTMT
Dorogi Márta MTMT
Nyerki Emil
Tóth Tünde MTMT
Lingvay Mónika MTMT
Garab Győző MTMT
Hernádi Klára MTMT
Nagy László MTMT
Item Type: Journal Article
Journal or Publication Title: NANOSCALE RESEARCH LETTERS
Date: 2015
Volume: 10
Page Range: Terjedelem: 12 p-Azonosító: 458
ISSN: 1931-7573
Faculty/Unit: Faculty of Science and Informatics
Institution: University of Szeged (2000-)
Language: English
MTMT rekordazonosító: 2989929
DOI azonosító:
Date Deposited: 2019. Oct. 10. 11:17
Last Modified: 2019. Oct. 10. 11:17
Web of Science® Times Cited: 16 View citing articles in Web of Science®

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